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What shall i do? is it really over?

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From the sounds of it your young and you still have to realise there is a whole world out there outside of your ex.


As for your ex, accept that she wants out, give her he space and move on with your life, go out with other women etc. Once she realises you have moved on, if her feeling for you were more then childhood first love,puppy love,infatuations. then she will come around and realise what she had with you.


Give her freedom to figure things out on her own, if your meant to get back together it will be in her time. just don't put your life on hold.





Ps. hopefully this helps a little

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Like I say...... give her space. When you see her tomorrow explain to her you understand her need to explore herself,her needs to branch out. And you respect her for it. Give her the choice (balls in her court) on whether she wants to remain friends. If she notices that she might lose your friendship also she may decide that she is being foolish and she may not. She may also decide that she doesn't want the friendship either so be prepared for any and all forthcomings.


but most of all do not grovel/beg for her not to leave you. she will lose respect for you if you do.



Trust me give her space... it should give you the better outcome in the end.




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Hey eratrya!


I agree with previous posters: she needs space just as everyone does. I understand you love her very much, so, I must tell you this.

I think love is not just being happy with someone, laugh, hug, kiss.... but if you really love someone, you will be able to give up some things to allow that someone to be happy. If I were you, I would make her understand that I really love her, and I would do all I can to let her be happy.

Well, that is just my opinion. The best thing you can do is what you say:


follow your heart


Good Luck

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