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The pain spirals slowly upward

Toward the ceiling

As the day fades to grey

Pictures on the wall portray

The shallow friendships and rock star crushes

While your cd plays in the next room

Your clothes are folded, lifeless in the chair

And the smell of you clings to my sheets

The weight of the day without you

Unbearable to the point of breaking


The smell of drugs

And alcohol

Cigarettes and

The stench of addiction

I'm better than this

When I'm with you

But you're not here

And their hands are wandering

Despite everything I've said

They don't care

These words mean nothing


On and on until it's finally through

I'm a dirty reflection in a mirror

Tear stained face

Naked and broken and bruised

I can't stop the sobs

My hands are shaking...


*I don't know how to finish this poem. I can't think of an ending. I wanted it to end on a hopeful note, but then the seconds half of the poem came in my head and the hopeful note is shot.*



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