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Shy guy, shy gal...


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I'm 14, he's 14...we're both mature for our ages. We both have mental years on our peers, and he's shy, and I'm really outgoing and loud and funny, but not popular at all (i dun care tho) and I have a bad rep for being weird. We're both shy around each other....I mean, we always sort of look at each other in the halls and stuff...at least I kno hes been pullin eye-contacts with me for about a week. He always turns up! Today, though, I was told to just go up to him and ask him if he would consider going out with me if he got to know me a little better, and I tried...but all I managed to get out was


"Hey, Grant---(he looks at me and turns the other way and starts to walk) Never mind, never mind..."


Now he probably thinks I'm a loser. He's the cousin of the two most "popular" and snooty people in the school, and he's shy and nice...but he's the type that doesn't talk unless he knows the person well. What does he probably think of me and how can I handle this, because I really like him!

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ok well...do you have any classes with him??? what are some other things you two may have in common? if anything ... try and use that as a conversation starter. i dont think you should ask him to go out with you before yall even know each other. ya know? try and have a couple of conversations with him first and then if he seems to show an interest than go ahead and ask him if hes interested in anything further. but number one thing DONT CHANGE YOURSELF FOR HIM!!!! i can not stress that enough. i dont think you are doing this, but if you DID constantly change yourself for all the different types of ppl you have interest in, NO ONE will ever truly know you ..or.. EVER TRULY like YOU for YOU!!!

hope this helps

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wow. I wish I was you. you are the best position EVER. You are already a little weird, and outgoing, so it will fit with your personality (i'd love to do that but it would not fit with my personality, i am so unpopular and there aren't any guys looking at me. i also have 0 friends that are guys)


and if he says no, who cares? it isn't like he is going to brag to the whole school, because he's shy AND mature!!!


so just ask, but make sure it is in a pretty private setting, or at least it is so loud no one is listening to you anyway.


"Hey, Grant, I was wondering if we could go do something sometime?"


He smiles. "Sure, I guess, what'd you have in mind?"


"Well, i was thinking we could go see a movie or maybe go to disneyland... just the two of us..." *wink*




"Hey, Grant, I was wondering if we could go do something sometime?"


He grimaces. He obviously doesn't want to hurt your feelings. "Sorry, I'm sort of busy."


This is your cue to say, "Sure, cool, see you later!" and split like a banana. He isn't interested in you.



either way you don't come off as a loser. and you probably didn't come off as a loser the first time, he probably really wants to know what you were going to say, and went home that day writing in his diary "does she like me? she was going to talk to me but then she ran away. am i just too ugly for her?"


lol i know i have an overactive imagination.


also, being weird is super fun, i wish i had the courage to let out my inner weirdness *sigh*. can we trade lives?

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LOL. LOL. LOL. So now you know the secret, i gave advice to you, and i really shouldn't have. lol. lol. lol. much love. don't follow my advice, it probly sucks, considering my other post that you replied to, where i said that i'd never had any guys as friends. LOL.


Pirate of the Caribbean rocks. Jack Sparrow (not Johnny Depp! There is a difference!!!) is my future hubby


"I'm dishonest. And you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest."




"You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of."


"But you have heard of me."




"One question about your business, boy, or there's no use going. This girl, how far are you willing to go to save her?"

"I'd die for her."

"Oh good. No worries then."




Scarlet slaps him. Jack: "Not sure I deserved that." Giselle slaps him. "I may have deserved that." Later, Anamaria slaps him.

Will: "And I suppose you didn't deserve that one either?"

Jack: "No, that one I deserved."




Will: "We're going to steal a ship? That ship?"

Jack: "Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term."




Will: "You cheated."

Jack: "Pirate."




Elizabeth: "So that's it, then? That's the big secret, the grand adventure of the infamous Jack Sparrow? You spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum?" Jack: "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."




"And really bad eggs. Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!"




"A wedding? I love weddings! Drinks all around!"

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Jack: But why is the rum gone?!




Herher, it took me a while to get courage to show my quirks...it mainly was at camps and stuff where there was no social hiearchy like in school. I had a chance to be myself, and people liked me for it! Now, in our "moment of silence" every day, I sit on my desk, do the cross-legged thing, and pretend to meditate. Lol, I love testing people's reactions!


Oh, and I SO have an over-reactive imagination too! Hehehe, I'm one of the quirky hyper ones. I've actually heard that people around my school tell each other that I'm weird and annoying...I find that so funny. ^.^

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DOH! *curse curse curse*


I called him up last night and I jus got home from school

(we didnt look at each other at all today....but I DID catch him looking for me once)...here's how it went, EXACTLY.


Me: *dial dial* (hehehe, yay! I got the courage to CALL him! Actually, I just accidentally pressed the last number in his phone number. There's no turning back now!)


His Momma: Hello?


Me: (oh my gosh) Hi, may I speak to Grant?


His Momma: Sure, one moment please.


Me: (omg! Just a few more seconds until the verdict. I'm gonna tell him what I wrote down to say: --Hey, Grant, this is Lily from school, do you remember me? yeah, I called you to ask what I tried to ask you at school. I know I have a rep of being a flake, but I think you're really cool and it looks like you're worth getting to know, so Iwant a chance to get to know you better. Maybe we could exchange AIM screen names or do something sometime?--)


His Momma: Grant? Telephone! (walking upstairs)


Me: (omg....*sweatdrop*)


Grant: ....Hello?


Me: Um, hi, this is Lily from school, do you remember me?


Grant: *2 second silence* Yeah, but I have to go now, bye. *clickers*


Me: ............................... *curse curse curse*



I'm not sad...I'm just mad that I messed up and most people dun give me a chance.


Let's all sing the "I'm Okay" song!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok he likes you form what you sead. Now is the hard part is geting to talk to him. when you see him in the halls walk with him and do some small talk se what he responce is. Then ask him if he would like to hang out or something like that. Just dont rush it becouse he is SHY!!!!! But if you dont push him he wont ask you out. Just trust me.....or it will take him forever to ask you out. Just keep us posted on what happens.

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