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Looking for a summer job... Tell them I'm leaving early?


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Hi everyone,


I am currently looking for a job over the summer. If I get accepted to grad school, I'll be leaving my city at the end of July, so I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about a summer job.


The thing is, I really need work references, because all of my previous jobs had high turnover rates and I have no way to get work references from my old bosses because they have all quit long ago. So I really don't want to get a job where it'll take a month to train me, only to quit 3 months later when I move out of the area.


So should I tell an employer up front that I'm probably going to be leaving at the end of July/early August... or should I just keep my mouth shut, get hired, and then give a few weeks' notice and hope that it doesn't affect potential references?



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