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should i go?


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on saturday there are plans among some friends of mine to hang out. I told them i didn't work saturday so they said that would work with them, it was kinda like they planned hanging out around my schedule so i could go...because i work 35-40 hours a week.... but Originally i thought it was just going to be me and the three people i made the plans with plus my best friend. But now like 5 more people are coming.


the problem is....i don't want to hang out anymore, i am sorta busy early saturday, which i didn't know i would be, and its also that... i really really dislike hanging out in huge groups, its not that i am shy, or i feel left out or anything, i am always included and i am not shy. its just that i don't enjoy big groups, i never have. My good friends know this, i dunno, i think they are expecting me to go now, cause i said i thought i would be able too..its my only day off until the next 4 days, i work longggg shifts so i never have time to see my friends anymore.


i feel like i am jerk not wanting to go now, i was thinking about just stopping by and seeing how it goes and then leaving, but i don't want them to get upset with me or think i am being rude because i don't want to spend so much time with them all, and get they'll give me the ole "oh you are being lame" and "oh so you don't want to chill with us now, you want to chill with so and so." Which my best friend is invited and she doesnt care if she stays or not, so she said if i am not having a good time she would leave with me and me and her could hang out.


would it be rude not to go? or would it be ruder to show up and only stay for a little while and then leave...possibly taking another friend with me? i want to see them, its just i don't want to do what they are planning with a huge group, and i aslo want to be able to relax a little, or like jsut watch a movie or something. hmmm.

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