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I wasnt quite sure where to post this, since it touches so many forum topics, so general seemed to be the best. I am looking for any advice or ideas you all may have, as i seem to be stuck.


I have recently gone through a rather nasty divorce, and i am left with nothing more to my name than a box of my clothes. I've spent the better part of a year separated from my wife, trying to work things out between us, but ended up finalizing this only in the past two weeks, and have only come out of a crippling depression in the last month or so. Her leaving me brought me to my knees, and left my mind shattered. It has taken a long time to recover.


I am now living with my parents in a coastal town that has next to no jobs. The nearest large city being a 2 hour drive away. There are some small towns in closer range, but the only jobs they have are of a physical nature. Over the past couple of years my health has declined horribly, i am over 300 pounds and fighting off pnuemonia, flat footed and have horrible back problems. I am working on losing the weight, but everytime i try to exercise or even get stressed out my entire body begins to itch horribly to the point where it becomes painfull. I've attempted to do some research on it but there seems to be no clear sign as to what causes it. I am losing weight, but it is a slow process. Even when i was under 250 i had attempted a few jobs that required i stand all day, i had to quit after a few days because the pain in my feet became so bad that i was unable to walk, my feet had turned some interesting colors, so i have some doubts to my ability to work a job with moderate physical activities.


I have been trying to find some way to move into the city so i can get an office job and get my life back on track, but having no transporation and absolutely no money makes things rather difficult. My parents barely get by as is, and its not the greatest feeling to be living with my parents again after all these years. I have no friends to speak of, and no family i could ask to stay with or to help me other than the ones i am living with now. I have already been to job corps, so that is not an option, and the army would not take me at my current weight, i need to lose around 70 lbs before they would consider it. I have a resume full of office work experience, but its hard to find a job doing office work when there are no offices around.


I am trying to find a way out of here, but have ran out of ideas, any advice?

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Focus mostly on the job. You won't be admitted to Army because of flat feet anyway so put the weight loss stuff aside, it's just creating more stress. If you really want to lose weight quick the best way is fasting for 3 days to break your food addictions. Start with a one day water only fast and then next time do the 3 day water only fast. It's very cleasing. I was doing it for spiritual reasons and lost weight.


Anyway you need a job to do anything so that should be your main focus. Even physical labor people have office people to handle paperwork so look into working at one of their offices. Small towns have small town papers read the employment section. Do they have temp services out there? They can find you something fast. Really you need to get any job, save up some money, then relocate to the city and get a better job.


I'm in a rut myself. I lost everything and I'm getting back on my feet. Be grateful both your parents are alive to help. Make a plan and get going.

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