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what should i do this time

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ok let me back track, the beginning of this year i started to hang out with this girl from my school shes younger. only every once and a while this was because her friend was going out with my friend at the time. i told my friend i was interested in her and he said dont even waste time trying to make friends with her just tell her. so i never said it face to face but we were text messageing one time and i told her how she was so pretty and specal and lets just say i never used the exact words "i like you, i want something between us" i basically got the point accross. anyway she didnt respond the way i had hoped. not in a bad way just not in a good way so nothing happened from there and i said to myself you know what i think im not gunna try and go after this girl, see if she might look for me if im not throwing myself at her. and from there literally it all went down hill to the point were we dont even say hi when we see each other at school. well lately ive in a way started to miss her. and i ended up running into her last nite for a miniute and she said hi like she was excited to see me. but i was with all my friends and she seemed to do the same for them. i really dont kknow if this girl is in any way interested in me or if shes the type of girl who just wants to be friends with all my guy friends because were older and she just might want to be associated with us. but anyway i still really want to do something with this girl. but after me bascailly telling her how i felt last tiem what to do i do now? also just to add one of my friends who goes after anygirl that walks could be a problem hes actualy been talking to her lately what do i do.

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but like you said...you diddnt really come out and tell her how you feel. why dont you try being a little more open with you feelings, although i know it can be hard sometimes to worry about facing rejection, in the long run its worth it so you can know for sure. girls usually operate under the assumption that guys should make the first move, so go ahead and make it...

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Wait a minute, you are attaching yourself to her way to strongly way too fast. You said yourself that you met her this year and only hung out every once and awhile. You made your move fairly quick so that's good, but she responded that she's not interested and that should be that. Saying you miss her is a bit much considering you two were never and item and you don't really know each other well. This will be a reoccurring problem in your romantic life if you do not get a hold of it now. Do not wear your heart on your sleeve. Continue asking girls out shortly after meeting them, but if you are rejected shrug your shoulders and move on. Don't get attached. That's where major heartache and a complete waste of time set in.

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