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Two guys, choice made

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Hey, I have written in here about the same topic a lot but it's just because it's a very on and off feeling with me. I've been with my bf for 10 months, I love him, or at least I think it's love and sometimes I feel neglected by him, sometimes and sometimes he just pisses me right off. He won't sleep over at my apartment because he's more comfortable at his apt so that means I normally only see him on weekends. Makes me mad.


Ten months ago, I had to pick between my current bf (guy 1) and this other guy (guy 2) who I have been friends with for about four years. It was the most difficult choice of my life and I still question my motives sometimes when I talk to my friend (guy 2). He still has feelings for me and I'm really sorry for hurting. If you want the whole story, try and make sense of my other posts. Sometimes I just want to be single so I can flirt and explore to my heart's content. It's especially hard today for some reason, usually I manage to keep that feeling down but... I don't know. Has anyone ever felt like this? Am I being so selfish by wanting a bit of both guys?


Just shed some light, help me understand why I keep wanting a bit of the other guy, a little taste of what it might have been like had I picked guy 2.

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