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My encounter with Genital Herpes

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Hello, I need some advice, I had sex with a girl twice about a week ago and she just informed me that she had genital herpes. I was furious to say the least. However, I used protection both times but I am reading that you can still get the disease even if you are protected. I have not had any symptoms but I am still scared. I get really tired but I am 99.9% sure that it is due to me being depressed about the notion of having the disease. I went to the doctor and they told me just to wait it out. Any advice on what I should do.

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All you can do is wait, some people never show any signs or symptoms of the disease. Was she having an outbreak at the time that you two had intercourse? It's a higher risk of being infected if she was. If you were infact infected I think you usually get symptops a few weeks after infection, I may be wrong though so maybe someone with more precise information can chime in as well.

How shady of her to not tell you before hand if she knew.

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yeah she told me she did not have an outbreak at the time, I dont think she was lying wither because if she did have an outbreak, I doubt sex would feel good. I however have done some research and they say that the symptoms show up 2 to 10 days after contact. ITs almost been 2 weeks but I probrably wont feel safe until a couple of months have gone by

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This should be a reminder to you that, in the future, you would be safer asking your sexual partners to get tested for STDs and show you the results before you have sex.



Very good Point but certain STD's/STI's ( such as Herpes ) don't really have one certain test that you have unless you are having symptoms. Unless they have recently introduce new blood work last time I was tested you had to have an outbreak and had the warts tested to know 100% , but im not a medical specialist so I dont know.

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Sorry to hear what your going through. As i understand, the herpes virus can lay dormant for a long time without flaring up. When it does flareup i believe you can be lucky and have just the one outbreak or it can be the opposite and you can be prone to regular flareups. I think its only contagious if there are blisters and sores present at the time of body contact? But this is just from what i read on google im no doctor! That girl really should have told you beforehand. I would say as you used a condom you are likely to be pretty safe.

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Wow.. this message should be put up hourly on Television!


"This should be a reminder to you that, in the future, you would be safer asking your sexual partners to get tested for STDs and show you the results before you have sex."


Yup.. that would sure cut down on the spread of STDs.. but so many people are so promiscuous today that it's not likely... but it would be a great idea!


Has anyone ever asked your partner to go get a STD test?


I know everyone talks about it.. but what proof do you have actually, that the person is going to tell you the truth unless you see results from a STD test?

Also.. many of the test aren't that up to date..

BUT.... you CAN get a herpes test, even if you aren't showing symptoms.

I just went and got one myself, just to be sure, that, when I go into a new relationship, I don't infect my next partner. It's only a simple blood test, and guys can get the Herpes Test too!

Go get yourself tested.. if you don't want to go to your doctor, you can go to the health department.

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Has anyone ever asked your partner to go get a STD test?


Yes, I have! And seen the results too!


Yes, you're right, you never know what falsified slip of paper they are going to show you - but in my opinion, if you wait long enough to have sex with the person you are dating, you should be able to reasonably trust them. I feel like the instances where someone you have been dating for maybe 4 months will seem trustworthy but then go and falsify STD results to have sex with you would be minimal.


MS: I'm not sure about the herpes deal - but apparently Sexysadie has had it done so it is possible. At any rate, the conversation you would have where you asked the person to be tested would provide a good opportunity for them to come clean with you.

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To the OP: I found this link which lists all the ways you can test for herpes - some when you have a break-out and some when you don't. Even if no symptoms turn up within a few weeks from now you could get the appropriate one of these tests just to make sure (probably something to talk about with your doctor).


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Hi yme26


There are a lot of myths and misconceptions around about herpes. It is true that people can have the virus without showing any signs or symptoms. You can also have it for years and then have an identifiable outbreak.


If you used a condom and she was not having an outbreak then the chances of you having contracted the virus have been severely reduced. You don't mention whether she was taking antiviral medication - this reduces viral shedding and outbreaks, thereforeeee, significantly reducing the risk of passing it on.


Don't waste time worrying about whether you caught it. If you experience any symptoms - itching, redness, inflamation, blisters - have the area 'swabbed' and tested. You can also have a blood test which can tell you if you have the virus - either HSV1 or HSV2 - however, since about 80% of people have had cold sores at some time in their lives, it isn't particularly helpful, and a blood test cannot tell you if you have HSV1 or HSV2 orally, genitally, or elsewhere.


If you want to reduce your risk of contracting an STI, always practice 'Safer Sex' and be mature enough to discuss this before you actually have sex -there are far worse things than herpes!


Best wishes


Jeannie May

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