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I dont know what to say,,, ive been ok all day until tonight when ive just broken down,


ive tried over the last 3 months to get through all this and think positively and keep busy. i just cant stop feeling sorry for my self and feeling hopeless, directionless.


i know u guys have heard it all before a million times on this site but i feel like ive got absolutely nothing. i just cant see a future, i cant see any point in anything. and im beating myself up even more because im feeling like this.


upuntil today for the last month of so ive managed to overcome the negatiove thoughts and all the mistakes ive made. i managed to stop phyco analysing myself and my ex....


but ive come to a conclusion that im the biggest * * * * * in the world.... my ex was great and im still dying to touch her and hear her voice,,, i dont know why im feeling this bad right now but i guess it might be because im at a point where im making big decisions about my career etc...


i would never really talk to my ex about the future... i dont know why i judt didnt like to... it scared me because i was uncertain of my career and her career, and the fact that that it would be hard to make it all work!


i dont know what to say,,, im desperate i just feel hopeless and i feel like a big girls blouse because im like this.... i just miss her.. i know it would have never worked out but i miss her more than ever and i just dont know what to do... sorry for beeing so depressing..


breakdown almost over (i hope)

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Hey bro,


Let me just say I have been to the place you describe in this post. Some days no matter what you do, all you can do is hope to get out of bed, eat something, go back to bed, and wake up again sometime later and feel better. That's how it goes sometimes I guess.


I absolutely guarantee things will improve for you. Hang in there buddy...

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Hey, I was pretty bad off last night and it's coming up on three months.


I find myself wanting to initiate a meeting with her but I know what the answer would be.


I also realize I'm not ready at all, career wise and emotionally.


I just put those (false) hopes of meeting up again on down the line into the future. Until I'm a better person.


I tell myself, "Not now, I'm not ready." I don't give up hope, I put it in the future.


Then when the time comes, I know I really won't care about it anymore.


When those dark desperate feelings seem too much to bare, put them and the solution to them into the future, mentally, when you can deal with them.


Set them aside. Tell yourself, "Yes, I feel this way but I'm not ready to solve it yet. In the future when I have my crap together is when I will deal with this."


Recognize it then put it in it's place.



We obsess with the thoughts of the ex and it consumes us and stifles us.

Put the obsession into the future to drive us to carry on!

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With you all the way Numbhead. At that place your at right now, i'm gutted. Doctor has prescribed me anti Ds, but i dont want to take them. I'm seing my ex this evening, has we have kept things friendly, but inside i feel like dying. She dose'nt love me the way i would like her to, shes been hurt bad before and wont let anyone in her life. I am so frustrated

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With you all the way Numbhead. At that place your at right now, i'm gutted. Doctor has prescribed me anti Ds, but i dont want to take them. I'm seing my ex this evening, has we have kept things friendly, but inside i feel like dying. She dose'nt love me the way i would like her to, shes been hurt bad before and wont let anyone in her life. I am so frustrated


if the dr prescribed them you should take them. they'll help you...just do not drink.

hang in there...it will get better.

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