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Have you ever been trapped inside your dream?

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Just then, I had a dream I was in Las Vegas. I just arrived in town and I was trying to find a hotel to check into. I went to the first hotel I saw just to get information and pricing. It was very oriental looking. That place was too expensive but I did find another.


So I went to the other hotel, and I tried to find the check out desk. I went to the upper levels and didn't find anything. So I went back into the elevator, and three girls walked in after me. They were giggling and after a moment one of the girls touched my face and made out with me. She was pretty hot too. They arrived at their floor and got off, and a floor later, I got off the elevator.


For some reason I was going towards the entrance, but then I realized I did't have my luggage. I run back to the checkout desk upstairs, and I tell security that I lost a bag. I couldn't stand there just waiting, so I retraced my path back to the entrance, and there was my bag. It was at the entrance.


I woke up.


I had dreams similar to this before, where I had to do something in order to wake up or someone or a loud obtrusive noise woke me up. The dream I recalled to you happened for 2 hours. I could have simply just woken up to avoid the stress of having to find a lost bag, but no, I instead I got 2 more hours of sleep.


Have you ever been trapped inside your dream before?

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Have you ever been trapped inside your dream before?


I've had similar things happen before.


Often I'll be dreaming and somehow tell myself in my head/dream that "this is a dream". Even when I realize it's not real- it often continues anyway. There's not much I can do to wake up because my mind still stays stuck in it for whatever reason.



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