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Is it okay?[teacher-student relationship]

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Hello, my name is PheonixZZ and I have ran into a problem.


See, I'm 16, and I'm a senior in High school. I turn 17 in about 2 months. Last year, I had this algebra teacher. She is 30 years old, just recently got a divorce, and has 2 kids. Towards the end of the school, I began to have feelings for her, but I was afraid of the consequences that her and I would go through if I told her how I felt about her. My friends have said that I should go for it, but I have other thoughts. While thinking of "going for the goal", I thought about all of the things that she'd done to me last year, or signs of interest. Here they are:


Each time she sees me she's always smiling


Likes to lock eyes with me, even when I'm not looking at her


Always laughed at my jokes


She approached me for a hug on the last day of school. I didn't even expect a hug, as I heard that they can lead to serious situations.


And since I ride the school bus home, jokingly she had said, "You'd better catch your bus, I don't want to have to give you a ride home". I never even thought about "getting a ride home".


Also this school year, as I was walking down the hallway afterschool towards my bus, I walk past her without looking at her, and she says and greets my name in a voice that I thought, was a bit suggestive.


Looking at these signs, I think she has feelings for me as I do for her, but I don't know what to do. I don't want to end up getting her in trouble as myself as well. What should I do, and does she show interest in me?

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well recently at my school there has been several occasions of this happening and they have been caught. i think you should prolly wait till the school year is over to persue anything so that you are out of school atleast and she can't get in that much trouble. but it kinda sounds like she is interesed but to be honest i think you should wait till your 18 to go for the older type so atleast she can't get in trouble at all. either way it is up to you to make the choice.

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Yeah. On the last day of school we were kind of flirting with each other. We were alone in the classroom in the time as well, conversing, cracking jokes, smiling at each other,etc. I think that's why she got that idea of giving me a ride home. I think she had some thoughts in mind. OH yeah!


In class one day, she said in a teenager kind of voice(remember she's 30), that "I was so cute". She said it aloud in front of the whole class, she had major confidence when she said it as well...

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Hon, I hate to burst your bubble, but be reasonable....you're 16, she's 30......she's not going to be interested in you regardless of whatever signals you think you picked up from her. A 16-year old male is NO challenge for a 30-year old female. Stick with girls your own age, for the sake of your heart and the disappointments you don't want to experience.

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Hello there,

I'm glad to see you are keeping a level head in this and not jumping into anything.

My cousin was in a similar situation as this, she ended up marrying the teacher. However, this is not the happy ending you may be hoping for, they are now divorced and having custody battles over their son.

The reason I bring up that story is because, although I agree that age should not be a factor in a relationship, a teacher/student relationship is a line that should not be crossed. It can ruin her reputation and her career, it's a very dangerous situation.

Even once you are 18, she could possibly still be your teacher(depending on when your birthday is) and like I said, that's a line that shouldn't be crossed.

If you truly wish to pursue this, I suggest waiting until you graduate as then at least you will no longer be her student. Hope this helped and best wishes.

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well, seems like you should wait till your 18, but by then your chance may be over. My advice is go for it, and then insteadof being her student ask the counsuling office to get different classes instead of the ones she is teaches. I'm sure they'll hook you up. Just go for it!

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Well, my aunt ended up marrying her high school band director, who was/is 25 years older than her. They've been married for quite a while and love each other very much. She didn't, however, date him while she was under his instruction.

If the relationship with you and your teacher was truly "meant to be," then just play it safe and wait until you graduate. You'll get what you want ultimately, just with a lot less of the risk. If she's not worth the wait, then the relationship obviously isn't worth risks of any kind.

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well i'm not expecting marriage. just a nice relationship, that's all. but I don't to think too far ahead, or to think that everything's going to turn out right for me, because it's not. I think if I would've done that, both of our reputation's would've gone downhill, as it may seem that I can't get a girl my own age, and the same for her. so I don't know what to do.

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