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Current mood: crushed

here is some of my recent poems....


Dont ever


dont ever

tell what i did


dont ever

reveal what everyone keeps hid


dont ever

tell of this special nap


dont ever

tell or this thin band holding me back will snap








death at seven


thrust after thrust

she loses his trust


sigh after sigh

she again wishes to die


tear after tear

she lives everyday in complete fear


lie after lie

her body lies there paralized


thrust after thrust

shover after shove

sigh after sigh

tear after tear

lie after lie

at seven that little girl

had to die to survive






its up to me


its up to me

how i respond


its up to me

to repair all the shattered bonds


its up to me

to love what i see


its up to me

to decide i can disagree


its up to me

to make a positive change


its up to me

to make my life positively rearranged









fighting to live everydau



confused on the right thing to say



depressed and low



holding on when i need to let go





every mom, except mine


every mom, except mine

is there for her child


every mom, except mine

is caring and mild


every mom, except mine

is always there


every mom, except mine

have EVER cared








scars on my arms.

scars on my legs.

but still there is no scar

bigger than the one

reoppened on my heart.




inexpressable feelings


hurting inside

with inexpressable feelings,

i dont know how to control this.

i want it to end,

but every try is a miss.

i thought i would be ok,

but i'm not.

i tought i could survive,

but i guess i not;

things get worse everyday.







with no emotional gain



but sinking in my pain



but no where to go



from what, i dont know




tell me what you think...

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Hey tabbycat,

I'm sorry you're feeling so down. I think it's great though that you're going to therapy tomorrow. Does writing poetry help you resist cutting? Maybe it'd be helpful to find outlets like that so when you do feel that need, you can choose alternative way to express your pain.


Also, has your therapist given you techniques to use when you feel like cutting, or is this your first meeting?

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I don't even know what to say to you Tabby. Ya know, reading things like this make me feel so bad for being self obsessed. Here I am self obsessing with how bad my life is and stuff, when there's people that have things just as bad, and if not worse...


If it makes you feel any better, my heart is with you, even if it is just for the next few minutes... Chin up hun.

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Heyz hunny,


Well i can't pretend to understand what you're going through, or even imagine the pain that you must have felt. But hun there is a way out. I'm glad you're seeing a therapist and i hope that goes well. Tell her everything and don't hold back on any emotions. Keeping it inside will hurt so much more. Find a friend that you can lean on and fee free to vent here as many people know what you've been through and have been through it themselves. Sometimes life throws things we think we cannot handle anymore upon us but as you keep fighting you realise you do get stronger even if it takes a while to notice. Please keep in contact and feel free to PM me if you just need someone to talk to.


Hope things get better,

Rozie xoxo

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