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just met her...already cant get her out of my mind!!! insane

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i met a girl before a couple of weeks on the msn,we became kind of friends but we didnt really talk till about 4 or 5 days, the last days we talked for along time and i really seem to like the girl, the proplem is that i like here more than i should,i dont know what is happening to me but i cant stop myself from thinking about her, there is nothing in my head exsept here (thought i have lots lots to do), i dont know , i have a strange feeling towords here, i never had such "strong" feelings towords anyone,i just dont understand it, its really insanity, i dont even know how does she look like, and today i spent about 5 hours doing nothing just waiting in front of the computer wishing she will log in (inspite of the fact that i have tons to do and i should have been with some relatives becouse of a death incident), i'm sick!!!!????

i dont understand, what is this???why??what should i do??how can i "take it easy"?? how can i feel all this for her??

any ideas??



i just met the girl on net and im afraid that i already scared her off, couse i sent her a punsh of emails and she didnt replay at all

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Well this can answer depending on the fallowing question being answered.


Do you know her in real life or is she just someone you met who lives somewhere else?


If you know her in real life, then you can just do the gradual friend to lover thing most of us have gotten use to. However, if you just met her on the net then telling her how you feel might scare her off. Instead, whenever she comes on, tell her gradual things like if she sent you a picture, tell her she look pretty or whatever. If you have her email, send her mail offten (like once a week) talking about whatever. Eventually, you'll be able to tell her that she is very intresting to you and tell her how you feel. Anf hopefully, one day, you can meet her. Hope that helped.

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hehehe... i have been thru that one.


OK.... to get things to be a little more 'sane'... Cyber is cyber till it gets real. My husband & me met thru the ICQ & now we are happily married. For me, i didn't put my whole heart into the cyber-relationship till i have met the person in REAL LIFE and have spent at least more than 96 hours (for a foreigner living in another country coming to my land for visiting me) with this person. This 96 hours is not continuous. For a local person, perhaps more time.


OK... enough said about myself. The point is: how much do you know this person in REAL LIFE? Till you have met this person in real life, you can't be sure about anything... from feelings to decision to commmitment. Anyone can say anything which they like in cyberspace but not many people can go on faking themselves for more than 2 weeks in a row in real life. I am not saying this special person of yours is faking it but it is always good to get to know each other in real life. have a talk about who shall visit who & spend time with each other. Even if in real life, it doesn't work out... a visit from a friend far away is always fun.


All the best to you.

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