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Love is Colourblind

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Hey mr. Echo,


It's not your fault, you believed she was a good person, and tried to make the best of it. She showed her true colors and that was the end of it. You will probably be in a bit of a rollercoaster, yes, but ultimately the process is always forward, not backward.



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Hi Arwen,


After a day of beating myself up about it I realise that she had it in her mind to leave me after the first argument in December. For the whole of January she was scamming money off me for:

a) Her workers registration card

b) various gifts

c) flight costs to Poland

d) car hire costs for one week.


She should have told me in December that she wanted out and not scam me.


I know this makes me sound like a money head, I'm not. The money isn't important, that fact that I trusted her is.

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It's now the end of day 3 NC of this rollercoaster ride. I have so many mixed feelings. anger. confusion. shame. How could I still love this person...why did she disrespect me so much and why didn't I catch on to what was going on with her. Is she alright and why does she hate me. All the things I did for her are now objects of her hatred. I've been told this is called "devalueing & discarding" and atypical behaviour of disordered people. This frightens me. If she had a problem with the relationship why didn't she talk about it...oh my god I feel so bad. What did I do to hurt her?


Sorry folks after a good day yesterday, today has been a real tough one.


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