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Scared of a breakup

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For those who have looked back at my previous posts, you can see that my boyfriend of a year and i have had quite a few rough patches. Since my last post, I feel like we have been doing alright. The last few days however, I met someone new....and although I havent been cheating on him, this man has been very into me, and thinks I am amazing. I like the way he looks at me, because I feel as if my boyfriend doesnt look at me anymore like that. I feel like I cant talk to him about important things anymore...we fight constantly about trust issues, and although he told some lies, I cheated...thereforeeee I feel as if he keeps holding it over my head. I thought that we would be able to recover, but Im not so sure these days. I love him, and the thought of not being with him anymore..is very scary, and Im not sure I am ready to let him go....but I am not happy with our current relationship.

This new guy is leaving today on a 2 month trip, which is probably best, considering I dont want to be entering a new relationship while currently in one...not a good plan. I am sad that hes leaving, because I feel as if this new guy is someone I could really talk to, and spend time with. The more I feel like that, the more disgusted i am with my current boyfriend. I know what desicion will be best, but I am not sure I am strong enough to go through with it. What if I start dating other people and realize I made a mistake...and its too late??? I also do not want to break up with him for someone else...I want it to be a desicion i Make regardless of anyone else's feelings for me, you know? Does anyone have any advice for me...is there any way to salvage our relationship..or should I move on, and try to deal with how much this might hurt? ANy advice would be appreciated.

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It sounds to me like you have already made your decision but are afraid to go through with it. Life is full of uncertainty, you will never be 100% sure of any decision you make especially when it comes to ending a relationship.


If you cheat on your boyfriend then realize that you made a mistake, do you think he will take you back? I highly doubt it, but if you break up with him before you cheat on him, take some time to think about things before jumping into another relationship, then maybe if you came to the realization that you made a mistake your guy may take you back. At least that leaves a few options open for you.


Dont cheat on him either break up with him or commit to working on the relationship which means not talking to other guys in the hopes of a potential relationship starting up.

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we fight constantly about trust issues, and although he told some lies, I cheated...thereforeeee I feel as if he keeps holding it over my head


It sounds like this relationship's run its course: you cheated on him in the past and it doesn't seem like it's something he's ever going to let go of - time to move on. Take a couple months to re-examine yourself and hopefully when you enter into a new relationship, you won't make the same mistake.

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