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Hi guys


I live in Israel so here (I don't know how about other contries ) but here in 11'th grade you have to go for examinations,psychological,medical,personal status etc...

Anyways I've been through that and I have 2 options,to go to combat unit (or whatever it's called) or be an electrician of choppers (It's my profesion that I'm studing at school)...So I was thinking to go to combat mainly because I want to forget about my ex which I havent spoken to in about a year..I just want to go to warfare and shoot some people...Just to get away from here and do something useful for a change..Mainly it's my personal ambitions to join some combat squad cuz I don't give a damn about my country which has never ever given me anything..But again,It's all about my ex (as allways) So what do you think?

Should I be a "warior" or some mechanic in the army?

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Do you want to be the person later in life that is haunted by all the killing and destruction you've seen? Breaking up hurts, but you will get over her in time, things you do in war, those are not going to leave you.


Throwing yourself into a place that is dangerous for the point of forgetting some person is not going to heal you. You may spend time not thinking about her, but when you're tour is done you will be in the same place emotionally and still missing her.

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go work on choppers, i think you will get a lot more satisfaction out of it plus it will help you in your civilian life afterwords. army expirience is really valuable in industry in israel and it will make your life a lot easier in the future. plus, if you have the option of saving your mother the grief of you being in combat i think that would also be a plus

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this is a weird post. How is killing people going to do anything about your ex? be a mechanic, no need to go out and murder. In my opinion, killing is killing, either for a nation or for yourself. if you want to become a trained killer because of an ex girlfriend, you're going to fall deeper and deeper into the emotioanl hole you're in. If you want to join a combat squad for national pride, or some other reason, It would be diferent. Be the electrician, that's a skill you can take with you for the rest of your life. Carrying around a gun and helmet is not.What is killing or getting yourself killed good for?

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What is killing or getting yourself killed good for?




Army is going to make me a real man!Be useful for a change!Be someone!

And do something that I can tell my grand grand children about.

Even if I get killed, like it will matter to me..If not,I will be a better person than I am now.

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Army is going to make me a real man!Be useful for a change!Be someone!

And do something that I can tell my grand grand children about.

Even if I get killed, like it will matter to me..If not,I will be a better person than I am now.


And the propaganda machine claims yet another victim . . . I don't see how killing people makes you a man. If anything it makes you less of one. If you really want to do "something useful," work towards a non-violent solution towards your nations troubles. Don't contribute towards the cycle of violence.

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Dude, go fix choppers.


It sounds like you're disrespecting


You all talk like I'm going to a war or something,well,maybe I am cuz in Israel it's war everyday..


I still have 2 years to think about it..Maybe I'll change my mind by the time I'll have to join the army..Maybe not,who knows..But thanks for the replies anyway

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It sounds like you're disrespecting


You all talk like I'm going to a war or something,well,maybe I am cuz in Israel it's war everyday..


I still have 2 years to think about it..Maybe I'll change my mind by the time I'll have to join the army..Maybe not,who knows..But thanks for the replies anyway


Not at all my friend, I am just advising that you take the safer road, as I said before.

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This is wrong on so many levels. If this is why you want to be in combat, then please do yourself a favor and stay out of it.



Naw man,I'm not saying it's the reason I want to go there.

I don't know the word for it but I'll try to explain : It's like from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans Chest when Jack Sparrow escaped from this island and he was angry so he was like where is that monkey?I want to shoot something."


Lol it was the only explanation I could think of!

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