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Hello all.


I just had the worst week of my life.I will start from the beginning.I was doing the online dating and met this wonderful girl right before Christmas time.She lived in VA and I live in Atlanta.We hit it off really well from the first time we met each other there was nothing but sparks.On New Years I asked her to be my woman and she was so excited about that.You know how long distance is talk on the phone every day and night etc, everything was great.My now ex girlfriend got a new position which required her to go to NY for a week.That's when everything changed for us.When I finally made it to VA to see her I know from when I got there things was not the same.She didn't have the glow that she once had before when I come to see her.I was supposed to stay there until the weekend of Valentine's day but I left early because I was so hurt.When I was there with her she seemed so distant from me.So of course on Valentine's day I asked her could we talk and she agreed.She told me that I was such a great guy and the last thing she wants to do was hurt me,but she did not want to be in a relationship anymore because she needed to get herself together.I could not believe it.It felt like I was just hit by a bus.I begged her not to leave me and she said she would at least try.When I landed in Atlanta I called her and told her I made it and I would call her back when I was situated.I called her and she never answer my calls.I have accepted that she did not want me anymore ,but why?I loved her so much and treated her so well.I don't understand how woman tell you how they are tired of the * * * hole men and then they meet a nice guy like myself,and then turn around and break it off.I alway hear that I am such a sweet guy blah blah blah ,but then I get my heart broken all the time.What am I doing wrong???

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Sorry about your hurt. These things do happen and as much as I hate to say it they most often happen because the person we love either has a change of life plans or they meet someone else. I try to look at it that I loved this person once so I need to give them my best love and if that means set them free ... so be it. I take a few weeks or whatever it takes and let myself be sad;or mad, or whatever emotions hit me; but I try to stay in that perspective - that this great person deserves to be happy even if it's without me. It helps me take the good out of the time we had together and make me see the long view where the pain tends to melt away.

I hope you find something to help you move on. Cherrish the time you had and when you find it next live it like it's the last day of your life.

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