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help with taking the next step


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i've been going out with this girl for about 2 months now it's not my usual relationship as i'm going out with 1 of my best mates little sister but it's only a couple of years difference between us anyway at first i was abit uncomfterbul being with her and my mate since we all get along and we offen all go out together for a drink but that has now pasted and we are both really happy together.


but now being a bloke i've got sex on the brain but i'm unsure if she is ready since she was scared at first wanting to go out with me as she was unsure how her brother would react as she has tried going out with one of her brothers mates before but it ended badly.


now i would never pressure her into it out of respect for her and the fact it's my mates little sister also i wouldn't split up with her for that reson alone but i'm at that point where i want to take that next step but not to sure if she is ready so what should i do? talk to her or should i just wait

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