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all of a sudden over..


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i was dating a girl for about 2 and a half months and falling hard for her. our relationship was very good we never fought and always had a ton of fun. we would hang out everyday goin to movies, dinner, hangin out at my house and having sex almost daily from the start.


we never considered ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend but we somewhat acted like it just without a title and it was going good like that (we were not sleeping with any other people.)


so yesturday we go out all day and have a blast and then head back to my place, hang out, have sex and then all of a sudden she says take me home i dont want to do this ne more. i was shocked and dont kno how to react so i didnt ssay much and just took her home and when she got out she said please dont call me i need to get through this... what the heck is going on with her?? i kno she didnt want to be bf and gf cause we had talked about it and the only thing i can think is that she wants to see if i wil chase her or something as she does seem like the type of girl that might do that...


i really like her alot and i kno she likes me form the tone of her voice when i dropped her off all shaky like she didnt want to do what she was doin. the only other thing she said to me is she does not normally do "this" with guys and im assuming she meant what we had goin on with us. she also said she did not have to tell me why she doesnt want to see me ne more.


im really confused about wat could be happening with her we have nothing but good times and now all of a sudden its over. it is that time of the month for her so im not sure if that could have ne thing to do with it ....well any advice or input would b great. thanks

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i really like her alot and i kno she likes me form the tone of her voice when i dropped her off all shaky like she didnt want to do what she was doin. the only other thing she said to me is she does not normally do "this" with guys and im assuming she meant what we had goin on with us. she also said she did not have to tell me why she doesnt want to see me ne more.


im really confused about wat could be happening with her we have nothing but good times and now all of a sudden its over. it is that time of the month for her so im not sure if that could have ne thing to do with it ....well any advice or input would b great. thanks


Be very careful when dealing with someone that acts this unpredictable. There could be more than meets the eye here.


If I were you I wouldn't contact her again. If she contacts you then cool, and no I seriously doubt that her period made her act that drastically.

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I think for your own sanity that you get a straight answer out of her. There is something odd going on with her, but regardless you need to be honest with each other so you can either work things out or move on. I would be very cautious with someone so unpredictable though.

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thanks for all the replies... she has always been very unpredictable and had even said a few times that she will get a weird feeling and just drop a guy and she would always say she doesnt allow herself to become attached so i think maybe she was gettin attached and got scared but idk... i know from the sound of her voice she didnt want me to take her home she sounded like she wanted to cry which is strange cause she is a very strong girl.


we have always been 100% up front about everything and we talked about bein bf and gf but she didnt seem interested so i never acted on it but maybe she really wanted me to be even though she pretended not to and i should have asked her to be my gf ne ways. i would have liked to make her my gf but i didnt get te feeling she wanted that at all. by the way she is 23 if that makes ne difference.

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