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Boys.....please help!!!

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So I've been seeing someone for about 2 1/2 months now. In the beginning he seemed WONDERFUL ( as they always are). The little demons are now starting to come out of his closet. I'm finding out that things he says don't match and that he's basically a show off. I really don't know who I'm dealing with here. I haven't met any of his friends or family ( he creates excuses when I ask why not), even though he has met a couple of my friends and family. He "claims" he loves me and wants to "marry me" (which i think is probably not true). Lately he has been not answering his phone when I call and been weird and rude to me.

I think I need to end this....I don't need this.


Any advise?

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i dated a girl a few times, maybe 2 months or so and she never met my parents ofcourse they happened to not be at the house when she was over. but also because i didnt feel it was neccisary for her to meet them that early on but if they happened to be home then just be like hey mom and dad this is so-and-so. is he going out of the way to have u avoid meeting them?

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welli m not a guy but i can answer this for you, he's cheating..point blank, no sugar coating and no excuses...He's cheating on you and the less contact you have with his "people" this less youll know. Ive been in this situation many many times before..He's cheating on you.....


Right on point. This guy is trying to keep you at "arms-length". The less you know the better. If I were in your situation, I would start running. This guy sounds like the typical playa that says all the right things and makes all of the right moves.


My advice: End it NOW.

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I don't know if I'd go as far as to say he's cheating on you, however, things are definitely not right.


I think there's a possibility he may be cheating, but at the same time, it could simply be he's just not interested and scared of confrontation.


Either way, I think you need to let this one go. He's not a good catch!

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So I've been seeing someone for about 2 1/2 months now. In the beginning he seemed WONDERFUL ( as they always are). The little demons are now starting to come out of his closet. I'm finding out that things he says don't match and that he's basically a show off. I really don't know who I'm dealing with here. I haven't met any of his friends or family ( he creates excuses when I ask why not), even though he has met a couple of my friends and family. He "claims" he loves me and wants to "marry me" (which i think is probably not true). Lately he has been not answering his phone when I call and been weird and rude to me.

I think I need to end this....I don't need this.


Any advise?


I'm more of a relaxed guy who almost never gets pissed so i can't really apply this situation to my life but I say, just talk to him. tell him what's on your mind. see what's going on in his mind. then together try to fix your problems, if that doesn't work, then i don't think the relationship is worth continuing, if you guys in the 1st place cant communicate properly.

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So I've been seeing someone for about 2 1/2 months now. In the beginning he seemed WONDERFUL ( as they always are). The little demons are now starting to come out of his closet. I'm finding out that things he says don't match and that he's basically a show off. I really don't know who I'm dealing with here. I haven't met any of his friends or family ( he creates excuses when I ask why not), even though he has met a couple of my friends and family. He "claims" he loves me and wants to "marry me" (which i think is probably not true). Lately he has been not answering his phone when I call and been weird and rude to me.

I think I need to end this....I don't need this.


Any advise?


My goodness. He sounds like he's 16-17 years old. Loves you and wants to marry you after only 2 1/2 months? That's insane. And on top of this, he's being rude to you? Please, do yourself a favor, and just drop this guy cold turkey. He's obviously a player.

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So i dumped him.....he didn't seem very upset. (hint?)

I asked him why he hadn't called me back.....made up a stupid excuse ( 3 actually).

Then proceeded to say that he loved me....asked if I didn't want to see him 1 more time?!?! ( i said NO!!!)

So later that night I received a text from him saying that he'd always love me and that i'd be in his heart forever....

One of my friends says he's a player....

The other says there's NO WAY he could be a player ( he's overweight, bald and average looking).

My gut TOLD me that something was NOT RIGHT....too many stories of grandeur and too many weird things...


did i do the right thing?!?!

i kinda miss him

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