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How can 11 yrs relationship end this way?


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My girlfriend for 11 yrs just broke up with me..this was our first conflict and I guess it's also the last sinced she dumped me already. How can she left me I've been faithful to her and gave her everything but in the end she said she prefer a guy with challenge....thats what made me hate myself I think being good and being faithful is such a bad thing...i need help it's really driving me crazy..

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thanks swingfox for your advice but just to let you know what happened....

She's my college sweetheart and sinced then we been together we are both from Philippines I'm now living here in Los Angeles and last 2000 she said she wanted to work in Germany and she said the only way for her to work there is to have valid papers(working papers) and the fastest way for her is to have a fix marriage and she said that I have to trust her bec. we been together then for 7 years and we have a solid foundation and that she love me that much that she can't do anything to hurt me...to make the story short I let her do it..they did not live together and we talked every night....until last feb she became cold to me only to find out last june that she fell in love with the guy whom she had a fix marriage .....can't continue this ...I felt so betrayed and I hate her I wanted to move on but it keeps coming back to me I'm so affected even my work I felt I'm so stupid for being so understanding to her..

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Hi Baldo


Your situation seems to be a complex one, id say that the number one factor was the seperation, she was alone, he was there, thats it.


Dont blame your self, dont believe the excuses she made for herself to justify betraying your trust!! Its not your fault, she is the one that wanted to move accross the world, she is the one that wanted to marry this guy, she is the one that cheated on you, and you hate yourself?


Nothing you would have done would have made her be a different person than what she is.

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oh dear!

sometimes you just slump back and question what is happening and how could it possibly be true...


11 years is a long time...so much has been put in...

it's hard to shove it aside and say "i have to move on"...

i can imagine how devasted you are!

it's times like these when u pinch yourself and ask if you are in a dream...

you were faithful and the least you could expect of her is to do the same...but she didn't...


it's sad when the one you love has a change of heart...

i believe she really loved you for who you are...stupid of her to change and leave you behind...


i really wish you lots of strength and courage...

try to be brave...oh dear...

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