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Best way to contact a friend you are not sure wants NO CONTACT with you?

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well, i vote for email, because that allows you to compose your thoughts, say what you want to say, and not surprize them and put them on the spot, or get them at a bad time, like phone calls can do...


and always best to say exactly what you are thinking... i.e., you are not sure if they want to hear from you, but you were thinking of them and were wondering... (whatever you were wondering)...


then be polite and open, i.e., say just let me know what you want, and that's ok...


i had a situation like this, and just told him something to the effect, 'i haven't heard from you in a long time, and am wondering if you want to hear from me, or you are busy with other friends/things that mean you don't have time/desire for me in your life?... if you'd rather not be in contact, then i just won't contact you again...'


and i was suprized by a phone call that night... he did indeed want the friendship, so sometimes giving them the option, without blaming, pleading, or other pressure, will get you a response where you know what they want/are thinking...


if you get no response, then that is your answer too...

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I say if nothing happened between you two and you guys just got busy and didn't connect, then I would give that person a call. Start off by saying "hey, haven't touched base with you for a while, just thought I'll check in."


But if something did happened between you two then I would go with an e-mail as the above poster has mentioned.

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We were good friends to start out with but it became what she wanted to do and time we met up..

I stopped doing what she wanted, tried to make where we can both agee on meeting. For example, she would say lets see a movie she wants to see.. i would say i saw that already lets see something else, she would say shes busy..

She would say lets get together during the week, i would say how about the weekend since i have no work, she would say she has plans.


This went on for about 8 months,, we finally decided on going to a free concert, shes the one who called me about 10 times about it. The day of the show- 1 hour before she called to say shes sick and i wound up going alone. Then she called to invite me to another show-- i just didnt get back to her....


Shadow thanks for the tip on didtheyreadit. thats so awesome,

I did like her, not sure if she was having some problems..

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