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Hello, im new to this board. this board has been helping me alot i guess.


me and my girlfriend have been going out for almost 3 months and everything is going awsome. we have kissed and made out and i felt her up. but i wanna take it up a step. can i get any STD's from licking her breasts? it would be really nice to know...thx

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hmmm not to sure but I DON'T think that is possible...might be better if someone more knowledgeable answered this. because i would like to know myself, that is a very good Question Russt, One that i haven't seen before. Interesting to know if NOT only can you get a STD from that, but maybe something else...


got Milk? (being a smart 4ss) (humor)

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Ok, the only time you will get an STD from kissing someone's breasts is if they have a cut there and you suck on that. The STD that I am referring to is HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis B and so on.


The only problem I have with spirited's advice is that sometimes you don't know that you have an STD because there are a few that actually show no symptoms what so ever, and even more so for men. Some STD's such as chalmydia (I know i've spelt that wrong) are highly proliferant at the moment but present no symptoms but left untreated can have devastating effects.


Here is a universal address for you to log onto. Use condoms all of the time, even if you think your gf is "clean" and get yourselves checked out by a Doctor. Read this url because its obvious that you don't really know what's out there.



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