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Hi guys


I have been reading since days but did not write anything cause till now i was in hope that I will win back my ex.

Me and my ex are in a situation which I could not relate with anyone over here in this forum.

Here is my story...


Me and my gf(ex) have been together for 4 years when we were in our country. When we were in our country I knew that she will be in USA so I decided that I will be in USA also.We both came USA together.She recently break up with me saying that her parents wont support our marriage and and we dont have any future and she loves her parents.During breakup when I argued that we can work this out and its not a big problem she started counting the bad events we had last month. We had some up and downs a month before breakup.


I resisted and could not believe her and I said ok then You wont see me again after this moment.She started crying and saying that I am taking such a big decision and you are not helping me in this matter.She said we will be friends.


I cried,begged did whatever I could like a pathetic looser for about a week to get her back but she wouldnt listen me.


Next day I needed her more than anything else in this world and settled down for being friends.after a few days she seemed pretty moved on and I couldnt see any pain in her and it appeared that she is pretty confident with her decision.



I felt bad and it hurt me to see that she is doing fine after all this and she is not sorry for whats happening because its good for both of us.


We go to same univ. and have same classes as she told me to take classes with her.But I suddenly felt that I am not giving myself any respect and started NC immediately for 1 weeks.I was feeling better every day with NC.


Then she called me after NC and would ask me for her stuffs.I resumed the NC. She called me back again and would ask me if I can give her ride to bookstore.I agreed and went with her no conversation.


NC resumed...... she called again next day and asked me If i can give her ride to an interview.


Now I feel miserable and dont know what to do????????


When I asked our mutual friends they told me that she is trying to be very strong and not showing any emotions or sadness all this time.


Now I am confused what to do?????

When I tried to be with her she ignored me in the beggining and now she is contacting me every here and then for these things.I took her call thinking that may be she is hurt and feels that I dont care so now I should not ignore her, but honestly I want her to miss me


Can somebody tell me if the NC is good for me or should I continue being friends and be around her.


My mind says NC but when she calls me my heart wont let me do that thinking that she might need some help.


What do I do????????????????

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sad_and_confused, you must stop listening to your poor, confused heart and stop being a doormat for your ex. She may want to be your friend but it sounds like you have become more of a taxi for her than a friend right now. If you want her to really respect you and miss you, you need to stop letting her think that you will come running at her beck and call. Why should she start thinking of you as a potential boyfriend or want you back when you do everything she wants without her having to give you anything?


Stop answering the phone for her. If you can't stop answering the phone, when she asks for help give an excuse as to why you can't be available to help her at the time she asks. How can she ever miss what you contributed to the relationship if you keep giving it to her for free? Let her go completely for awhile and see what happens.

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