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Coming into adulthood

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Sunday was my birthday, I just turned 20!!! I'm a little uneasy about going into adulthood, so far it's nothing but stress. But I'm trying to get my head straight. Sometimes i really don't know what to do. or if what i've done was the right thing to do, maybe I'm thinking too hard.


I need to go back to school, I"m only a college sophomore. I'm going back in the summer, so right now I'm working like a dog, to get a car. Without a car I will not be able to go to school. I don't have any support in the house that I live in. My mother cruel to me, she never has anything good to say about what I do. She told me a few days ago, "I don't like you living here with us". I feel like I never have a good day. My day could be going great at work, but as soon as I come home she bashes my character. I share a room with my sister and most my belongings are in boxes out in the garage because "this is your sisters room not yours, you can't have all your stuff in here." just yesterday she told me I needed to put some more stuff in the garage.


I'm always reminded how I "don't do anything". Though just last week I put gas in HER car 4 times and bought HER "cancer sticks" 3 times. I didn't even drive the car I put gas in. She just threw a tandrum, kicked doors, until she got what she wanted. I got nothing in return...just a fake "thank you" ....she didn't even tell me "happy birthday" Sunday. But now I'm feeling warn out from the pain. I'm tired of always feeling bad. My boyfriend of nearly 2 years really helps me out a lot. He always makes me happy. But I've realized, I have to make myself happy. I have to stop listening to the cruel things she says to me. Even tho more than anything I'd love to have someone I could talk to about what I'm going though right now, with school and work. But I don't. I do have a dad that supports me, even tho when my mom is in the room he suddenly switches opinions. But I am happy with the things I've done in my life so far. I just have to go with that.


I would love to talk with my boyfriend's mom. If anything his family is everything I wish my family was. I just don't know how to go about writting his mom a letter. I don't really know what I should say to her, or if I should tell her about my mom. Or if she's the right person for me to talk to......any advice would help. Thanks guys!!!

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First things first..




Next... if i were you i would definitely work towards getting out of your house.


I dont understand why your stuff should be in the garage? did you move out and then move back home? was there an agreement between you and your parents that was suppose to take place with you living home?


Very odd that your mom would act that way..and i'm truly sorry you are going through that.


In my opinion, part of maturing is being comfortable with yourself and your decisions...we aren't always going to make the best decisions.... but I guess as you mature you begin to learn from life experiences and you can make better choices... don't be afraid to go into adulthood... i felt the same way ..but being an adult isn't so bad.

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Thanks alot!!!!


Yeah, my family moved out into an appartment, it wasn't enough room for me, so they put me in my own appartment that was close to my college. I was going to stay but my mom put up a fuss with my dad to make me move back in with them. So I had to drop my classes and move back in with them. It totally sucks.


I wrote a letter to my boyfriend's mom today and mailed it. I told her she was an inpiration to me and I want to be like her once I get a family. Hopefully I've scored some brownie points, even tho I was deathly afriad of mailing it!!!! I hope she's not mad lol.

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Hey there, happy birthday first of all.

You are a brave girl I must say...

In fact, you re now a kind of inspiration to me, after all you still find reason to make yourself happy and that is important.... keep up the good job...

hope you get your car soon.... and good luck with the letter

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