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I met a guy 2 weeks ago whom I have had daily contact with up until Friday. We set a date to hang out Friday, however he called Wednesday canceling. His excuse was he had forgotten about a promise he made to a friend (BS?) He rescheduled asking to hang out Sunday, which is tomorrow. I haven’t heard from him since Friday. Can anyone help me find some clarity to this? Am I being given the run-around? Or could it just be my own insecurities?

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I guess that’s what I’ll be doing then, waiting. I was really looking forward to seeing him; my first date in a long while. I’m a little rusty from being off the saddle, so to speak. Potentially being stood up right when I jump back in isn’t proving to be the best confidence booster either.

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When you talk to him tell him not to leave you hanging in the future (so this doesn't become okay to do to you... a pattern sets in and it isn't fun to be left waiting... ask me how I know). Tell him your time is valuable to you and you could have planned to do something else. Then ask him to give you the same courtesy he would give a client. That's it. Drop it. He'll get the idea you aren't going to stand up for being stood up... hey, that kinda sounds cool

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Its Monday and you may have already seen him, but its horribly rude of a guy to not call to confirm plans. He may either just be clueless or a jerk. Don't ever wait around for someone; go ahead and make your own plans. He had just done that to you....

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“stand up for being stood up” ha afonselaca, I like that. Well he did call, very late into the day asking if we were still on. I didn’t mention the fact he kept me hanging. I really like the guy so I’m trying to give him a chance. I absolutely don’t want that becoming a habit. I'm saying something if it happens again, we're going out this wednesday.

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