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will you always love someone?

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Saw the ex 2day, god she looked good im still very attracted to her..but other than that I didn't feel a hell of a lot…which I suppose is a good thing..still care for her but love her still now that is a good question…do people believe that u will always love someone???


I did but im not so sure anymore, perhaps u will always be attracted to someone but always love!?


Anyway seems like im pretty much healed..she was with her mother who talked to me a lot where as she hardly said a word, in fact she looked pretty miserable..hope she was ok..

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from a point if someone can always love, yeah i believe that a person can love someone always, but not if his heart got broken of him in that case he should get it over

you said that u ran into ur ex and u didnt feel anything, well if that is true, i truly envy you, couse personaly i cant do that, but im sure that our setuation is totally different, but still u ask ur self if u still love her, well its abvoious that you still care about her ( from your last sentence) i dont, maybe u should figure out what u feel

best wishs

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ive being trying to figure it out for a while it goes from love to hate and then back to love, now its friendship perhaps...like u said after u have been hurt its hard to still love...


looks like im at the last stage of getting over her, just hope i don't fall back as i still have bad days!!


take it easy

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I think 4 a while after breaking up with someone u loved, it's tough, You think you'll never love again, that no1'z like them ect.... but most people have been there and it's true what they say with time being the best healer. What seems like the end of the world, could actually be an opening to a whole new one.


I think if you've been through a lot with someone, they'll have a place in your heart, and even if it hurts at first, in time, you will remember the fond times aswell as the bad times.


Yeah I know it's tough I've been there, but trust me it only makes you so much stronger inside.


Good luck fellow Bristoler!

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