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Feel like the only one out there.

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My name is Scott and I am a 21 year old college student. I am a Jr. in Nursing school and quite excited to graduate.


To get to the point though, I have been single all of my life, I've only had one decent relationship, and that lasted about 1 1/2 weeks. I am a happy person, except when alone. Since I'm in nursing school I have to study ALOT and feel like I miss out on alot (Like I may be missing meeting that special someone. I am a Christian and do not believe in having sex with someone you don't love, so when I'm out I am not looking for a "booty call". I am a shy person around girls, I don't seem to be too articulate and am always afraid of saying the wrong thing.


I must study alot, and I feel like I should be fine with that, but I sometimes get this feeling in the pit of my stomach, a fear of being alone, to the point I can't hardly stand it sometimes. If anyone has gone through this or a similar situation, any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.

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If you're a christian, don't let fear overcome you. You said you sometimes fear you will wind up alone. Well, don't let the enemy lie to you and start doubting yourself. Fear is its greatest tool.


Wake up each day, expecting God to deliver on His promise, and you won't be disappointed. Rather than thinking, "I'll never find anybody," start thinking, "Today is the day I will meet someone great!" And even if you don't meet her today, be thankful that with each passing day, you are getting closer and closer to the day you DO meet!

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You're only 21 and in college. Concentrate on studing for now and you will enjoy your life once you graduate.


For now allow yourself to go out once in a while either with your friends or sometimes by yourself, and simply socialize. Find yourself a favorite hangout place, like a coffee shop or something and get to know local people your age. 75% of all relationships are started by mutual friends and networking.


Anyhow, good luck.

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bud i am hearin ya. im 21 and doing the dreaded nursing degree as well. ive been single all my life too, but that was not because i was too busy studying and doing paperworks and clinical duties. it was a personal choice. i thought it would be best if i finish my studies first before focusing on other important matters.


anyways, i agree with the other posters in that you should not let fear conquer you. we create our own fears by fantasising negative things that have not really happened, and our bodies can't tell the difference between a real event and a vividly imagined one, so we actually feel scared, and yet it is all our doing.


mate just remember - FEAR - fantasised experiences appearing real. whenever i start feeling nervous, i think of this, and it makes me feel less anxious somehow. i learned this from a book called "The Aladdin Factor" by Jack Canfield.


and ye, try to picture the outcome that you want, see it the way you want it to be. sure you may get the opposite response, but i think it doesnt matter. youve already visualised the outcome that you want, and that will give you a psychological boost.


goodluck with yer studies. ima pray for ya. peace.

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Thank you for the advice. I do enjoy going out with friends, but I have this burden over me that if I go out, I am abandoning my school grades (even though I study alot and seem to do well). I do drink socally (I don't drink to get drunk), and I always have a problem letting lose and enjoying myself because I seem to be a worry wart. I am going out tonight with friends and already feel better. Even those in difficult degrees have to go out some and be socal. I think why the single fear is setting in is that all of my friends are getting married or in serious relationship, so I feel leftout or like a third leg alot. Thanks for the advice and keep it coming.

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