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Anyone recover from schizophrenia?

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My sister is suffering from schizophrenia. She has delusion and hallucination.


She told us that she is pregnant with a second baby, while her first baby was taken away by the father. And she thinks that when she wake up from sleeps, she thinks that her saliva is actually sperm residual.


All that she mentioned was not true. She did a pregnancy test, it has negative result. She was relieve for a while and start to say she is pregnant again within one month. How could she has 2 babies within two months?


Whatever she says are scaring me. She is currently seeing a mental illness doctor.

I really don't know what to do. I really doubt that she could ever continue study or start working.


Does anyone recover from schizoprenia?


Do you know any medication or treatment for schizophrenia is more effective?


Please help. Thank you.

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Schizophrenia at this time is not curable, and it is degenerative, and more degenerative without proper medication and treatment.


How "bad" it progresses depends on how early they catch it (earlier the better), and how well they respond and keep up treatment. Unfortunately it is often not caught until later as they tend to keep their mental illness hidden until it gets bad enough it just can't be anymore.


The problem is a lot of schizophrenics will often think they are better, do not need meds for whatever reason and go off them and get much worse.



One of my friend's has a sibling with it, and it is very hard to see the personality changes that can occur. Just love, support, and come together as a family to give your sister what she is going to need now, and in the future.

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Is your sister taking medication?


My mother's cousin has this and takes medication everyday. With it she can function and have a normal life. Without it, and she is pretty bad. Shes tried to do all sorts of things , one time parking her car somewhere and then losing it for 3 years. Seriously...... then she just happened to drive past that street and there it was, growing up full of weeds. I do not know why no one had towed it... But its what I was told.


With meds - good life.... No meds and shes in the mental hospital within a week. Has to be like that or she could hurt herself or someone else.

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Schizophrenia usually lasts about 10 - 20 years. There is improvement over time. People do get better; the problem is, it generally takes up the most productive years of a person's life -- their late teens and their 20's and 30's. People usually get better -- not everyone does. Some get better much faster, some slower. Acute onset schizophrenia has the best prognosis.


What tends to be helpful is reducing stress and keeping them connected to important places and people in their lives. I personally believe that schizophrenia is organic in origin, based on the symptoms people report.

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Thanks for all of your replies.


Yes. My sister is currently taking medication.


She stop taking medicine last year, when she study overseas. She came back in worse condition. She throw her specticle, school bag and etc away. She came back with just she passport, and school certificate.


Currently, the doctor has increase her dosage from half pill to 1 pill every night. She scared to sleep alone, so I have to accompany her. Yes, it is tiring.


I think she has to continue eating medicine.

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