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Urgent! - Suicidal ex-girlfriend

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i just broke up with my girlfriend and now she's been acting completely out of character. she's drinking loads, smoked weed and took panadols. she wants me to stay with her for the night but i'm not sure whether that's the best choice. what shall i do? how can i calm her down?

thanks a lot!

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You are probably not the best person to be helping her at the moment (I assume she would like the relationship to continue?). If you are really concerned about her, make your concerns known to a close friend of hers you can trust will do something or her parents.

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Be respectful of her feelings; she's very upset, and she's expressing that in the most vivid terms possible. But while accepting that she feels lousy, do not take responsibility for her actions. You are not "forcing" her to take drugs or freak out. You still care for her but don't want to continue to relationship as a bf/gf. So, tell her to get in touch with her best friend, so that she's not alone. Also, tell her to think about what she wants in the future, how she feels, and write it out in a letter. Tell her that you can't handle your feelings and all hers too, so would she please get a grip, because she's better than that. She is going to be fine, even though she's upset right now. Keep your eye on that, and help her to understand that you know that she's going to be fine in the future. Sometimes the best thing we can do for people we're breaking up with is help them to see that they never needed us in the first place.

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i agree with all the others .. this isnt your problem i dont mean that in a nasty way..but she could be using emotional blakcmail here..ive seen that done..tell somebody close to her how she is being..then walk away.


staying with her or coming round evrytime she calls in a state will make her feel like you still care and maybe there is a chance for you two.


i wouldnt be there for her.not in this way.

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