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hey people

right, well, tiny tiny backstory because I haven't an appropriate thread to link back to. Broke up with ex just under a month ago, week or so afterwards a new guy asks me out, I turn him down, he says I need professional help. Not so nice, considering my ex made me think I was actually losing my mind.


Well after that, the guy stopped talking to me on msn for ages, I didn't block him, we just stopped talking. Now he has started a conversation again, as if the last words he said to me were "see ya!" instead of "if you think that way, you need professional help".


So this is a kind of pre-emptive measure. Should this guy start trying again or something, what can I say? Everything I said to him before about just not wanting to have any kind of relationship, fling or otherwise, was brushed aside and ignored. I'm more healed than I was when this originally happened, so my reasoning is going to be a lot more cogent, concise and calm, but I don't want to run out of points and have to repeat myself like before. So...any ideas?

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Hi Parsley


I remember reading another post about this before and this guy kinda sounded like he either had issues with his temper or a serious issue with rejection. Im a little bit concerned that you are going to get hurt again. I would advise you to avoid this guy as much as you can. There isnt anything that you can do or say to change him, you know? If he has those issues they arent going to go away overnight even if he is on his best behavior right now.


You are such a beautiful girl. There are tons of nice guys out there that deserve your attention so much more.

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