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Trying to stay hard

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Hey Everyone,


I'm new here, this is my first post. I've read a lot of topics on here until now and I've finally decided to ask a question.


Me and my gf has been together for about 5 months now, and I'm taking it slow, because I don't want to screw things up.


We were together last night and she can get me hard real fast, like lightning fast... she has an incredible touch, the thing is, is that I'll be hard for about 15 min and then it'll just go away! And she tried for 10 min after that to get it back up and it just wouldn't co-operate. I need to know what I can do to stay hard or some pointers to tell my gf to get me going again...


Another question. I've been rubbing her vaginal area trying to work my way to the clitoris, but I'm really not sure how to go about doing this... I really want to be able to please her and i'm trying new things. I've never done this before.. Only twice...


I can admit that I'm a virgin, and I'm not really experience with this so Any help would be great!



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Well, as far as your erection problem, I'd have to say it's probably just a case of your nerves. Especially once it goes limp and you start to panic and worry about getting it back up. Your best bet is to just try and relax as much as possible and focus on your girlfriend. Don't psyche yourself out.


As far as pleasing her, communication is KEY. Keep the lights on, and explore her and ask her what she likes and doesn't like.

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It's not common to only remain hard a few minutes at a time although it you're young it tends to be quite a few minutes. It's likely anxiety that's causing it.


Is this different than where you're on your own? If/when you masturbate, how long do you stay erect?


As for her anatomy, look up one of the decent sites on the web and see where things are located. The part you're looking for is up higher in that area. Be gentle and don't poke around at it or be at all rough until you know from her what she likes.


At this point though it seems like everything is new so don't worry about new ways to please. Life is long, there's plenty of time to learn and get better at it.

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Thanks for the quick replies. When I'm alone... I can stay erect for almost a good hour... So I think the nerves is right.


I've been asking her as i'm doing it and she said that it feels alright but she's never had anyone do that to her before. She's really good so far at telling me to be more gentle or faster or slower...


So if I'm putting my fingers there, should I go in a circular motion, or straight up and down? which ways works best? Is it different for everyone?

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