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Question about Pregnancy and Periods


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When a girl has her period she can still in fact be pregnant. this i already know...


but my question is, if she has her period is this a sign that she probably wont be pregnant? does the presense of a period decrease the chances or do periods have no implications or factors in this?


is there a percentage of women who actually get pregnant when they have their period? is this percentage lower than if there is no period at all???

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Well, it is less likely she is pregnant if she does get her period although she still could be. Most people just go by if they get their period then they aren't pregnant because that is how it is a lot of the time.


A girl can become pregnant if she has sex during her period, but it is less common. The sperm would have to live inside her until her period is gone and they can only live for 5 days I think it was the doctor told me. I think that is what you asked.

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Well, without getting too boringly medical, consider this:


The little guys have to swim up against gravity and ph to reach their destination... Don't you think it would be harder for them to swim UPSTREAM? And with the menstral fluid evacuating the body, there isn't as much chance of a nice comfy egg to be there waiting for them to buy a drink and knock up...



That being said, salmon do it every year, and I myself got pregnant both times while on my period. It happens. It really just depends when you ovulate and what your ph levels are at different times of the month...

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Well, without getting too boringly medical, consider this:


The little guys have to swim up against gravity and ph to reach their destination... Don't you think it would be harder for them to swim UPSTREAM? And with the menstral fluid evacuating the body, there isn't as much chance of a nice comfy egg to be there waiting for them to buy a drink and knock up...



That being said, salmon do it every year, and I myself got pregnant both times while on my period. It happens. It really just depends when you ovulate and what your ph levels are at different times of the month...



it's not a matter of we had sex while she was on her period...this 'oops' happened Monday afternoon...we're waiting till the feb. 9th to take a pregnancy test. im just wondering that if she gets her period before that, is it less likely she's pregnant that if she doesnt get it? does a period lower the chances even more that she's not pregnant.

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she can definitely get pregnant while on her period. if you don't intend to become a parent, make sure to use 2 forms of birth control.


and some women continue having periods, even throughout their pregnancy (this is not so common). Usually, if she has a period, that means she did not get pregnant. however, some women do "beat the odds."

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If I understand it correctly, you want to understand if her having her period AFTER you had sex but BEFORE you take the test lowers her chances of getting pregnant?




All of that blood and tissue is the beginnings of the amniotic sac that will cover and nurture the baby throughout the course of the pregnancy.


Expelling that lining each month (her period) is her bodys way of shedding the unused folicle (egg) and lining and preparing for next months ovulation and possibly fertility. Having your cycle is usually the BIG indicator that you are not pregnant.


Light spotting can occur with no danger to the baby, but heavy bleeding is a 99% sure sign that there is no baby in the works.

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