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30 Days To Shape Up!!!!!!!

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I'm on my health kick again. LOL


Just trying to get a good kick start on my exercise regimine....

I did the Body For Life program last year very consistently for 5 weeks, and

really noticed a difference in that time frame.


Anyway..I am making the next four weeks my goal to get in shape.

I know it's not a long time, but I'm just looking at it as a head start...

I started today already.


I already have my routine figured out...now I need to buy the supplements

etc....any other tips would be helpful!!!

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Hi there Lady Bugg. Will you be starting Body For Life again?


I love that program. I really worked for me. If you can stick with it for the whole 12 weeeks, you will be amazed at the results.


When I did BFL, the founder Bill Philips had not sold his soul to the supplement companies yet- so he was not pushing supplements like he does now.


You really don't need them to do the program. The only supplement I used was a whey protein shake because I did not like enough foods (i.e. eggwhites , cottage cheese...yuck )



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I've seen various pictures of you since you've been a member here and you are FAR from being overwight in any way, shape, or form. You look great.


I understand your commitment to fitness in order to achieve a healthy body and mind- but please don't do it because you are afraid of being "chubby". You have nothing to worry about. Trust me,



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but I found I seemed to be eating so much!!!


Well, high levels of activity require larger amounts of fuel. There's no way around it. "Eating little and working out a lot" doesn't work at all and is harmful as well, and you will end up looking terrible losing more muscle mass and fluid rather than fat. So especially if you're trying to build muscle to replace the fat, you need that extra fuel.


Make sure to eat the fast burning carbs, like what's found in oatmeal early in the day. Keep that energy going!


Whole grains such as that brown rice and whole grain bread are good too. Just don't eat WAY too many of those, though.

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I find diet to be more important than exercise because without a good healthy diet, you won't ever see results. Your diet fuels your workout, meaning that it gives you energy. With the right foods, you can get the maximum benefit from your workouts.


My workouts usually consist of weight training followed by cardio at the end. I spend about 50 minutes in the gym going from one machine to the next, with hardly any rest between sets (3 minute max rest between certain exercises). 35 of those minutes will be busting my butt going from machine to machine, the last 15 will be running, biking, or swimming. The goal is to exhaust yourself and push it to the limit. Be hard on yourself because nobody else will (unless you have a workout partner).

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