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true love? or not

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Well, I have an issue... I am 14 years old (please don't let that bit of info. make you stop reading- teenagers have love issues too)

I've been dating this guy for 8 months so far. He was my first love (puppy love, that is, but love nonetheless), first...lots of things. Things are going well, but in the past couple weeks I've kept on noticing another guy.

This other guy isn't just "some guy". The first time I saw him (a little more than 2.5 years ago) I felt like the world had stopped. I blushed whenever he looked at me. I turned into a complete idiot in front of him, and even a glance from him made my whole week special. This feeling went on for 2 years (until I met my current boyfriend). Problem is, this "special guy" (let's call him codename Loon) is completely undateable. He dated a girl in my grade for 3 weeks...well, that was a disaster. He's not open enough to show feelings to people he really likes.

But Loon is funny, and original, and nice. I know he liked me for at least 6 months on and off during those first two years. I think that feeling is coming back to him recently (I'm good at sensing emotion towards other people), and lately I've been feeling like I HAVE to be with him. I HAVE to at least try it out.

Is this love? Is this what it feels like? Or, is this just a temporary infatuation that will last until I at least give him a shot and get it out of my system.

My current boyfriend is amazing: honest, loving, funny, supportive. I know he would give me the world if he could, but we also fight over petty things. And if I'm supposedly "in love" with him, why do I keep thinking about Loon?

Any advice would be appreciated from those who might be more experienced or have had similar situation (please don't reply that I'm a "silly little teenaged girl" and there are "plenty more fish in the sea, and I should just let go". Think of what kind of answer you would have wanted when/if you were a confused 14 year old girl, not wanting to break anyone's heart, and trying to protect the hearts of those she loves).

Thank you

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Do you best to forget about him. Just speaking from experience...



If you think he likes you, and you like him, make sure of what you feel for your current boyfriend before you do anything.


Ive let by at least 3 girls in the past with similar feelings. Reason being, I didn't know them very well.


That's probably my worst advice, but IMO, probably a temp infatuation.


I don't know what true love is, I personally think we have to have hit a certain age before we're qualified to claim it, but even I can be accused of that and Im 17, so sorry for the hypocritisism.


Anyway, I had a similar experience in grade 6, lasted for about 4 years... I got over it. Chances are you will too and youll kick yourself for stressing about it later.


Only saying this cause I've been there... but I'm not you, so... sorry, thats all I have.

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Honey, the grass is greener on the other side... or so you think.. Your boyfriend sounds great, and chances are if he was not around you'd regret leaving him for Loon.


Do you feel that there's something missing from your relationship? Are you and your boyfriend best friends?

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  • 1 month later...

i broke up with him yesterday, and he was AMAZING about it.

i didn't just do it for loon, there were a ton of other reasons and my thought process on what to do was really, painstakingly long

i hope i did the right thing...it's weird- i was fine for the first 5 hours or so, and then i started to feel really alone... (but i guess, after almost 10 months together, it'll feel weird being single)

any advice on how long this "dark period" will last?

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