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It's getting easier but I keep thinking back to good times..

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Lately I've been very lonely and confused. It's going on two months since my ex and I broken up. He was my best friend and he's gone. I never had a connection or closeness to anyone like him. So now I have to look forward to the future.Problem is I really don't see much to be excited about. I mean I have friends and family that care about me and I love them too. It's just not the same with them though.I felt like my ex was the only person that really got me as a person.Talking on the phone or hanging with friends isn't the same. I miss the late night calls where we'd stay all night on the phone and watch tv or talk about life.No one did that with me. I miss being with him alot. Now I go to bed alone at night, missing the phone calls. I go to bed very sad and lonely. I often sit in bed remembering being on the phone..


I'm not as depressed and sad as I used to be but I just keep wanting someone to come into my life and make me not feel so alone. I mean I'm trying to keep myself busy and even when I do this, I tend to think about my ex.My problem now is that I put too much faith and love into my ex and now that he's gone, I don't know how to move on.What's worse is that I often think back alot to the good times, knowing that there will be no more times like those.He wants nothing to do with me now and the damage is done. I just want to be happy again but I don't know how without him in my life... .Everything is just so depressing without him and I just can't enjoy anything..

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Please force yourself to try something good for yourself- like join a gym to take an exercise class or volunteer at a children's library.

Go out with friends once a week and keep yourself busy.

Get a massage, have your nails done, take a class.


You will improve every day, day by day. Force yourself to read a best seller- take your mind off of the past and build a new future with positive things and people around you. Positive attracts positive------you are the best company you can ever have!

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Aw *hugs*. I'm in the SAME boat as you. I feel as if I won't have another boyfriend (let alone FRIEND) who can "connect" with me on THAT level... someone who's company you enjoy 100% and you feel on top of the world. Then the next day, it's GONE.


I know for a fact you won't feel "depressed" forever... it may take a while, but you WILL get over it. As for me, I'm still on my 3rd-4th month of the break up and it stings... especially when they have someone new.


I hope you're feeling better though.

There are BILLIONS of people in the world, each one unique... I really doubt he's the only one who can "get you" and make you feel those butterflies. It sucks to lose a boyfriend/best friend all in one, I know... but sometimes it's for the better. You'll probably learn something from this.

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