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i still can't believe what happened. my crazy story starts few months ago. i had this friend B, we got so close, i was sure i know him well, we were both in relationships, but after some time we decided to be together because we really liked each other, he left his gf, i left my bf, and in the beginning everything was perfect, almost too perfect..

one day he came crying to my place and told me that his ex called that she is pregnant with him, he acted devastated i did'n konw how to help him, i was there for him, i listened him i talked with him, and i posted here a thread "my bf ex is pregnant", after one month of torture , his crazy ideas, like disappearing for few days, and everything bad that happened, like when his ex called me i left him. i ha dthis strange feeling that something is not right and that he is lying, sometimes he didn't answer my calls for hours, he never answered he calls when we were together...

but he didn't let me go, he cried, called me daily, we went out like "friends"... one day he offered to give me ride to the place where i work and on the way he told me that he loves me,

than his ex called him to pick her up, and than he told me that he still loves her.

she sat in the car and was really surprised to see me, she knows about me. than i found out the truth. he was with both of us at the same time, he lives with her, but he also wanted me to live with him???

he proposed me twice, i refused. he told me that he took her to hospital as they decided not to keep the baby because of me, but the truth was that they were on hollidays, she is still pregnant and living with him, and i'm in shock.

he told her that i'm pregnant with my ex!!! and that we were together but now we are friends and that nothing happened between us, not true..


i can't believe all this, i can't believe that there are people like him and i ask myself why me? why should this happen to anyone?

i lost my faith in love and i don't know if i will ever love again, how will i trust anyone again after all this?!

in the beg i had feeling that he is the one and look what happened

we use to work together, we all liked him, he seemed like he is one of those good guys ... i had changed my position because of him, but still i have to see him often. help

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Wow scared12! That's one helluva story.


I wish I could tell you that there isn't any other guys other there like that but there are. The problem is now that you've been hurt you're going to have problems trusting another guy.


You need to distance yourself from this guy or he will suck you back in. I'm not kidding. People like this have a way of making people forget or even feel guilty about their past transgressions. It's important to clear your head before you engage in any more activities together. This is for YOUR protection. Otherwise you'll be back with him faster then you think. Tread carefully.


I hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again,


I am so sorry to hear that you're hurting so much right now

I know this is NOT what you want to hear but your ex sounds like a manipulator and he duped both you and this other woman. This is a cliche, I know, but perhaps this was a blessing in disguise.


Nonetheless, breakups are rough, even when we're breaking up with those that betray and hurt us ...


Hang in there, Scared12.


Please know we're here to support you FULLY!


And please do take care of yourself while you heal: don't forget to eat, sleep, rest, get fresh air, vent, cry, laugh, etc etc ...


All this is necessary for you to regain your sense of emotional stability ...


Sending best wishes and a great big hug your way,


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