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Help me please...

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I have been going out with a girl that i really like for about 3 months.. we have been really close till lately..she told me she was jealous and ever since its been a bit weird.. when we talk on t he phone its hard to find things to talk about, we have those awkword moments with the silence and all and i try to come up with things to talk about and it feels like its just a one way converstation since she doesnt really talk... and im wondering if she still likes me or not.. she tells me that she loves me and im hoping thats its true.. can i have any tips.. and maybe you guys can help me with things to tlak about with her..

thanks for your help..

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Ya i guess your right.. we talk to each other about once a day if not twice.. and i see her a shit load.. i have also seen her every other day if not everyday for the whole time we have been going out.. and i guess this could be the pinpoint of the problem..

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What should i do about her being jealous with me around other girls.. like i feel the same way when she gets really close to other guys.. her being jealous really bugs me because she knows i wont do anything but she still thinks that it may happen.. her x broke up with her for another girl and that may be one of the reason.. what should i do?

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