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Second time w/ ex

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Well, I went to band practice again last night. Second time I've seen my ex. She was very friendly, moreso than the last time. We actually talked for a while. I gave her copies of the copyrights of our songs and it seemed to break the ice. I asked her if she would mind if I got the songs published and listed and she was very enthused about it. We have a very young guitar player in the band now (the one they wanted to try when I first quit). He & I have brought a whole new sound to the band. He told my ex that his girlfrined cried when she heard one of the songs. My ex looked over at me and gave me this wonderful smile. She still didn't hug me when we quit but I kind of drifted out afterwards and didn't explicity say goodbye to her. I wasn't down until I got in my truck and started home but thinking back over the evening I would say it went really well. We are going to practice again tonight so I feel a little bit better about it now. Still haven't seen her with her boyfriend (not really sure if there is one).

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Hi Samross,


Hey, I'm glad to hear that things are stabilizing, and that you guys are still able to make beautiful music. Your handling it well, and a great friendship can be a wonderful thing too.


Congratulations on the new sound and creative things, awesome! =D>


Peace brother, and best wishes to you and your group for the future



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