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My sarcastic front puts people off...

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I get the feeling that my extremely sarcastic front puts people off (both potential partners and potential friends). However, I also find that when I drop my front, I turn more passive and doormat-ish.


I don't know how to open up to others, nor how to get over this fear I have of it.


Has anybody gotten through this, or can offer some tips as to how I can get rid of my unattractive emotionial mask? Thank you.

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I am sarcastic too... But I am also pretty quiet around strangers.


Sarcasm can be a good thing when around new people because it breaks the ice sometimes. If somone acts offended by something you said, just be aware of it and keep the sarcasm to a minimum until you know them better.


It breaks the ice, but I don't seem to want to stop.


I find myself basically being so sarcastic for so long that nobody takes me seriously. And when that happens, I tend to keep that front up indefinitely.


When I have tried to take the front down, I become passive and... quite frankly like a wussy. And that's when in my past experience, people walk all over me. I know my past experience doesn't mean everybody will do this, but I can't seem to believe it fully.

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Sarcasm can be a shield to hide your insecurities by keeping folks guessing at arm's length, and dropping it leaves you vulnerable.


I'm guilty, but have learned not alienate sincere people with snotty remarks and cynical comments. I tend to hide my empathy with ironically sharp jibes.

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Hm, a small amount of sarcasm around people you know well is good (very funny sometimes), but using sarcasm with new people is not the best idea.

It shows insecurity.

From my own experience with people I tend to avoid those individuals who are overly sarcastic. These people usually tend to be way too much pessimistic in life for my taste.

How to be less sarcastic? I have no idea. I think that this has to do a lot with building up your self-esteem.

A short term solution is count to ten and than say what you had in mind ;-)

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