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I'm 16 and like this girl.... im clueless!!


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First, this may be kind of long... I hope som1 can help me here!!


Ok, well im a Jr in high school, and this year i saw a freshman girl on my bus that sits in front in front of me and my friends with her friend. Later last semester I found out she is in my lunch. I finally got the guts to go up and ask for her screen name (ooo!). She gave it to me, and i was online all that night and day after and she never logged on. I think she gave me a fake screen name but im not sure. My friend is friends with one of her friends, and she told my friend it was her real screen name. Now, she still sits one seat in front of me on the bus, and i never talk to her. I really like this girl but i dont think she likes me, but im so confused because I dont know. When i look at her she dosent seem intrested in me but some things she does makes it seem like she does. I just found out today from a friend, she went up to my old lunch table (same hour when i asked for her sn), and she asked them where i was. They said i have different hour lunch, and asked her if she likes me. She said no, but my friend says he thinks she likes me because why would she ask about me??


Keep in mind ive never had a girlfriend, but i dont think im a bad looking guy, i think im average. What should I do, i really like this girl?!?!

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First of all you should simply calm down. I know it's not that fun to get rejected but it's a 50/50 chance.

Try casually talking to her on the bus. Just say something like "Hey what's up?" She's probably just as nervous as you are, whether she likes you or not. And the worst thing she could do is tell you she doesn't like you which, unless she's just really mean, she will try to do without hurting your feelings. There are other girls out there if she says no and you probably won't know her forever. But on the other hand, she could say yes and it would have all been worth it.

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It's to build it up. Talk to her more, and from as time goes on, notice any body langauge (flirting, sitting really close, staring) to see if she likes you. It's best not to assume anything yet, but try to get the guts to talk with her more on the bus and get to know her. Good luck.

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Thanks for the responses everyone, im still open to others thoughts. I have been wanting to sit with her for the past week now, except I have (what I think is) a slight problem. I feel weird for doing this, but i think it helps explain it best, so i made a quick picture

(the forum isnt letting me post my picture, this is the link)

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Well, I am the first stop. Me and my friends take our own seats. She comes on at the third stop. My problem is she comes on with her friend, and I cant remember one time where she was on the bus not sitting with her friend. And, the girl im intrested in sometimes goes to school early, so its just her friend coming on. My question is how am I supposed to sit and talk with her? The only thing I can see happening is me just randomly sitting with the girl in front of me that I dont know to talk accross the seats, or before she sits ask her to sit with me, but wouldnt that be to forward or somthing??

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You haven't really clarified: how much did you talk to her before asking her for the SN?


I agree with the other posters, it's safest to just talk to her. For both your sake's, just take things casually. Find out if you really are compatible.


As Alabama said, don't assume anything. Maybe she just asked where you were out of curiosity? You haven't really said how much you two have interacted, but it doesn't seem like much. I wouldn't get my hopes up and lure myself to possible disappointment. Just start some conversations for the time being.


As for the bus situation (great diagram, btw! lol), I think she would sense you were up to something if you sat with Some Girl (if that seating arrangement has been the norm for the entire year). Which might be a good thing, if she responds positively to it. Why not try seeking her out during lunch when your lunch periods coincide, and start from there? Once you start getting to know each other, I think the bus situation will remedy itself.

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First off, you have my "awesome" tag just for making that diagram.

Sounds like something I'd do.


Try not to put her on the spot so much by using your friends. Just get to know her. High school lacks many genuine guys, unless you count people who are genuinely stupid.


Talk to her. Ask her questions about herself, and then roll with her answers. Don't think about impressing her, just show her the real you. Also, I'd advise against "do you like me?" questions and stuff like that. After you talk to her, ask her to go hang with you (movie, food, activity that you both like). That doesn't put as much pressure on you or her. If she says yes, awesome. If not, oh well.


Just remember that regardless of what happens, Tyler101 has given you his stamp of approval from that diagram alone.

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You haven't really clarified: how much did you talk to her before asking her for the SN?

not very much at all but I didnt really say this part of the story...

I wasn't even going to say anything to her for the longest time. One of my friends that ate lunch with me just went up to her and pretty much said, that kid over their likes you (me). So then i figured well now she knows, might as well do somthing. The next day at lunch I pulled up a chair and sat with her and her friends for not very long (probably 2 minutes). During that time, I asked her name, school stuff, ect... then her sn. Then I just said hope to talk to you or somthing like that, then just went back by my friends.


Also, I'd advise against "do you like me?" questions and stuff like that.

Yeah, that would probably be a very good idea to start with.


(great diagram, btw! lol)


you have my "awesome" tag just for making that diagram.

haha thanks

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my suggestion is sit behind her where ure m8s are and start a convo with her and her m8. Try and probe for something you have in common and go with that. i found if i have nothing to speak with a girl i ask a random question like " are we havn a fun bus trip girls??" make it not sound too serious. later on u cud use " are we excited for school??" i say it sarcastically, this kinda stuff works for me. if all goes well then when she gets on the bus say hi, and talk to her occasionally when u c her. if she doesnt like u dont take it to heart, i know its hard but ull be better off. Btw this web site really helped me alot link removed


read all the parts saying "must read"

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