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I'm confused... Can somebody help me figure this out?

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... if i had no interest in somebody, i could care less as to whether they spoke to me or not, wouldn't be in a restaurant sitting on a bench side by side with a guy when i had a boyfriend that meant the world to me, and probably wouldn't offer to help you get from place to place.


notice one other thing you mentioned in a post... those other two girls that had boyfriends? one wouldn't go with you and the other wouldn't go unless they could drag someone else along. so, apparently, this one feels comfortable with you. i have a feeling this girl might know she's missing out on something without you...


I agree with brandy. Look NASCAR, if this girl had no interest in you, she wouldn,t be hanging out with you so often. Besides, if she was serious about this other bf you would have at least seen him by now?! You say that you overheard her talking about a bf - has it ever occurred to you that maybe she was talking about you? My guess is that you are spending more time with her than she is with this bf. Would a girl who didnt love you spend more time with you than with her 'bf'? Figure it out.

In my opinion this girl really likes you. The important thing now is keep on being interesting and a challenge to keep the spark going. Don't worry too much about the bf issue; you dont even have to ask her about it. Just relax and don't act insecure. Things will clear themselves out in time.

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