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Need some Help -- Please !

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Hey everyone, I'm 17 years old and i'm in need of some input & advice.

It seems everyone my age is having sex these days, i'm in my last year of highschool and am prepared for University in the fall.


I am still a virgin and most of my good friends have already had sex at some point in their lives, and don't get me wrong I've done my fair share of things with girls, but never had sex.


I still have a few buddies who are virgins as well, and I know i'm still young but I just feel like an outcast at points, and envious of the others.


The fact that i'm a virgin isn't brought into light when conversing with my friends, but it's still in the back of my mind. The grads are going on a trip to Quebec City on March Break and i'm guessing i'll have some fun there.


Plus, next year in University is usually where people lose their V-card I hear. I'm just wondering how I can mentally cope with being a virgin, and I feel like i'm missing out on the pleasure everyone else is getting.


I just don't feel like getting into a relationship right now, i'm independent, handsome, smart, and well ogranized (not bragging).. I just want some input on my situation please.


Thank you very much

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I don't think that there's any cause for concern that you're still a virgin at your age, try to stop beating yourself up about the fact and you'll have a much better chance of having sex. Losing your virginity might seem like a milestone but you need to realise that while sex can be a wonderful, pleasurable experience; it can also be really, really ordinary. If you're putting so much pressure on yourself to lose your virginity, you'll just be having sex that first time for the sake of it, and that's just going to decrease the chances of your first time being a great experience.

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Lol, dude I know what you are talking about. In my high school I was the only virgin in the whole damn place. Of course that didn't hinder me at all. I knew just about everyone there and befriended alot of people.


I have just finished my first semester at my university and I haven't come close to "getting some" as some would call it. I figure I'll just catch the crap as it falls.


I honestly don't know how I am able to do it. I see all these guys talking about how they can't live without sex and I am here at 18 and never had done it. I guess I just have that much self-control.


I guess the whole point of this post is to show that you shouldn't worry about it. Sure its in the back of my mind and I think about it every once in awhile, but I don't dwell on it. Plus is sounds like you don't want a relationship anyway, so why mess yourself up thinking about what you don't want?

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don't let friends pressure you into thinking you have to have sex or loose your virginity to be cool. It's not mature thinking. Trust me, when you find a girl you love/marry and then you'd understand why you saved it. I thikn basically its all talk with guys. I have a group of friends ( guys and girls) and the guys or girls, we all don't make fun of virigins or make one another feel odd b/c they haven't done it. Remember not everyone tells the truth

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