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Urine infection -UPDATE!


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Well i did go to A and E on sunday morning. I was in agony and my baby had not moved in 24 hours so i knew i had to go.


I was made to wait 5 hours as i was told i was 'not a priority' ( yet people with a sprained ankle were seen before me


well when i was finally seen by and OB she took one look at me and knew how much pain i was in, i couldn't breathe normally i had to be helped to walk to a bed and she barely touched my back and i was crying out loud.


It turns out i was seriously dehydrated and was put on an IV drip for two days and given anti biotics through the IV as well. I stayed for two nights and had my blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and baby's heart beat al closely monitored.


Now i am back home ( which is a relief ) and feeling so much better with my new antibiotics.


I just wanted to say that when you are pregnant you should follow YOUR instincts, you know your body and your baby thereforeeee it is you who can tell when something is wrong. Don't hesitate and don't be afraid to 'cause a fuss' like i was at first.


you and your baby are the most important things


best wishes


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