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long time without kissing

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Hi, am new here. Quite interesting topics to discuss,so, here is my first post. I've been married for almost 5 years but i didnt feel like kissing my hubby anymore.I love kissing.....i love to kiss all the time. I just dont see him so attractive as before anymore. Marriage wont be always like this right? pls share and thanks

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Why aren't you feeling as happy as you expected in your marriage?

i was facing 2 choices of man, i chosed my hubby. Got married, moved to new place i dont really like. Gave up my good job, left friends and families.Somehow the other man still shadowing my life. I am seeing him since i got married still. I realise that i didnt love my husband as i supposed to. I want to be with this other man, but i have a child now, things are just so complicated, dont know what to do

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Are you having an affair, or are you just seeing him as a friend?

well, we've had already relationship before i got married, was not end up after my marriage, infact getting stronger and stronger that we want to be together. So yes, am having an affair with him

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I'm sure you already know this, but here I'm going to say it anyway:


I think you need to let your husband know what's going on instead of misleading him.


I'm only in college, so my knowledge in areas such as these is limited. thereforeeee, I think there are others here who could offer more specific advice. However, I am sure of one thing: you absolutely must be honest with your husband.

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I'm sure you already know this, but here I'm going to say it anyway:


I think you need to let your husband know what's going on instead of misleading him.


I'm only in college, so my knowledge in areas such as these is limited. thereforeeee, I think there are others here who could offer more specific advice. However, I am sure of one thing: you absolutely must be honest with your husband.


I totally agree. I think he deserves to know asap. Cheating on someone can be one of the worst things, and i think you should come clean with him and tell him how you feel.


The sooner, the better as the more time passes by, the more you will procrastinate, and this will go on for too long, which is unfair to your husband not to mention that it will kill him to know its been going for a long time.

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totally agreed with you guys...i was thinking to stop all this ex-bf things and want to just go on with my life and try to look at the positive sides about my husband. I am going to see this ex next week and probably, hopefully we can come up with decission to go on our ways....separate ways...but i really have no idea if its going to be that way...i;ll keep you all posted. Anyway thanks for your comments here. really appreciated it

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I recommend couples counsleing and maybe individual counseling to help you deal with both situations. I think you have kept it a secret this long and your anxiety has built up so immensely that you will crush your husband kind of making it a self-fulfilled prophecy. You are hiding this and it is manifesting itself in many ways. I'm sure he is disgruntled as heck and torn up inside trying to figure you out, because you are like I'll try it with my husband and then I won't. Your ex. I wouldn't see him. I think in your heart you know what will happen. You are better off chopping it off with him now if you want to save your marriage. Call him and tell him it is over. A personal visit isn't required.


Next question are you sure your child is your husband's or your ex's? You might want to find out if there is any doubt. Your husband will probably question it too. I think counseling is the best way to break the surface tension of this. It is a safe place where you can see his feelings and he can see yours.


I don't envy you.


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