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Okay well i havent been so good lately, and i keep hurting people, people i love, i am sick to death of who i am becoming, from tomorrow i am gunna change, i am gunna be happy again.


And i just want to say thank you every one who has ever PM me or reply or even read any of my treads, but its time for me to leave this site tonight and never come back this time, this place has helped me in the past i hope it can for many other people aswell. Yous are all great people, yous really are.


For all of yous out there, whos not yourself, act like someone else to keep other people happy, its time to bring out the real you, live life you no one else. I know what its like to be someone your not to keep the rest happy, but its ruined me, i am gunna be my true self from now on and rosie help me to do that, even tho she might not know it but she has. So thank you rosie


For all the people i have hurt, i am truly sorry i really am, i wish i could make it up too yous.


Chris i may have blocked you, but it doesnt mean i hate you, i love you as a friend i always will, you have been there for me so much but i dont want you seeing me like this no more, not until i am happy again. I am so sorry, i cant help it, i know i always hurt you but i really am sorry, and thank you for being a friend to me, really does mean alot even tho you might not believe me when i say that.


So i Guess this is goodbye to Enotalone,


Thank you everyone and i wish everyone all the best

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No No and NO ,


Without insight, you are like a blindfolded man send off into the world only to fall of a cliff and get seriously (emotionally) injured.


The meaning of life is to love and help other people. Your motives are driven by selfishness.This is true otherwhise you wouldn't hurt the ones you love, And thus you are hurting other people in order to forfill your own self satisfactory needs.


The problem is that you need to confront the darkness and hatred in your own heart, letting go of the ego and replace your selfishness with being selfless.


And then letting go of your anger and replace it with forgiveness, for yourself and for others. If you have this loving insight you have the inner light and reflection that will give you insight in order not to hurt the ones you love.

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Dont listen to robowarrior! You are not selfish. If you feel like leaving will make you feel better then go for it! You deserve happiness. And even though you dont think it, I can tell by your posts that you really are a sweet & caring person. We all make mistakes. I hope you realise one day that you aren't the horrible person you seem to think you are. Best wishes x

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