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Myself,my husband and my brother went to Vegas for New Years. It was supposed to be fun. We were supposed to take a plane but due to bad weather the airport closed or cancelled most of the flights leaving our state. So we rented a car. I drove, my bro and my hubby sat in the back of the luxury rental and drank. It was a 12hr drive which I did sober. I was ok with this. We get into Vegas around 130am Sat. They want to go out to the casinos and party some more. I was ok with this, I was tired and stayed in the hotel room and got some sleep. Sat afternoon we decided to go into CA to see my hometown. Again I drove and the "boys" partied in the backseat. We returned to Vegas around midnight,we changed our clothes and hit the strip,had a good time, my hubby got a little out of control, but I dealt with it, we were in Vegas. New Years Eve we decide to get out early, but before we leave the hotel room, the "boys" dabble into some illegal stuff. We go to a bar in Ceasar's. My hubby was completely out of control. He was so bad that I asked him to step out of the bar and talk to me in private. He began to yell at me in the middle of the casino. I told him to calm down and to just let it go. I told him that its 10pm lets get some booze and hit the strip and find a good spot for the fireworks. I asked him to go back into the bar and get my brother. He went back in. He had my ID,all the money(except for $10 in my pocket),he never came back out. I waited about 20 minutes stood back in line to find out that I couldnt get back in w/o my Id. I waited til 1130 and still no show. I called his cell, no answer. All I had on me was $10 and my hotel key. I waited 1.5 hrs and he still didnt come out. I got a taxi and headed back to the hotel room. I missed the entire celebration. He rolled in about 6am. He yelled at me and wanted to know why I left him. I told him what happened and he said I was lying. He accused me of leaving with some guy. He blamed everything on me. I tried to tell him that I waited for him but he didnt want to hear anything from me. I finally told my brother what happened and he was pissed at my husband. My brother told me that he was told that I went back to the hotel room and to pary with out me!! I am soo pissed. Part of me wants to leave him. This isnt the first time his "partying" has interfered with our marriage. He has done this on a few other occasions. Other than this he is a good man. I dont know what todo.

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Hey 4thelast1


Have you had a serious chat to him about this? I mean a real heart to heart about the fact that you've considered leaving?


Does he know how upset you are or does he blow it off?


If there is some way to make him understand and believe how serious you are.....that may make him sit up and take notice, you should try it.

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I'm sorry that your New Year's was so horrible. Las Vegas can certainly bring out the worst in some people and it sounds like that is exactly what happened. The way you describe things it almost makes me think you were a third wheel here. Your husband spins his stupidity and blames you...red flag...that spells guilt! Your brother should have called to check on you, hard story to swallow that you went back to the hotel and opted not to celebrate with him and your husband. It's not your brothers place but still he should have checked out your husbands story. Your husband needs to grow up or his next party may be a pity party as he finds himself alone.



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I wont put up with someone doing drugs and acting like that. I would honestly tell him either hes clean, from here out... no drinking, no drugs etc. forever, Or im gone.

Ill leave it up to your imagination to figure out how badly being ditched in another city, broke, without id, no car etc. could have ended up. Thats the sort of story you see ending up with a girl dead in an alley found by garbage men the next morning....


Not to mention your husbands refusal to accept what he did, that would simply not slide with me. Id probably demand an apology, and him going to counselling at the very least.

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