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what to do when 'sorry's are 'worthless'?

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me and my ex-gf, now best friend argue a lot, for pointless reasons most of the time, and it's mostly always me saying sorry, since mostly it's my fault, i have an attitude, my personalty, it's different, i say things other people don't... for example, i make stupid comments which offend people naturally, without really thinking about it....


she always gets really upset about that....


so i apologize, and things are ok again after a little while...


sometimes she tells me though, that me saying sorry is becoming more worthless everytime i say it.... since i say it so much...


anything to do?



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sometimes she tells me though, that me saying sorry is becoming more worthless everytime i say it.... since i say it so much...


hi. its all up to you to change your attitude, personality for the better. you really can't expect people to accept ur apologies for the mistake you commit over and over again. Its like, if you're caught for speeding and if the officer lets you of for the first time, its ok. if there's a 2nd time and if its the same officer, anyone would know he has to give you the ticket.


When you say sorry, you gotta make up to ur words. make that 'sorry' word mean what they really mean. =)

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okay, I have some advice, before you say anything why dont you think about it first? then if your thinking to long and someone sais something ike "hello anybody there i asked you something" just tell them "hold on im trying to put think how i want to say this" then as you gain experience, it will become easier and faster to think before you open ur mouth and say something you'll regret. I know someone who acts like that annoys the crap outta me, but if you just take the time to think what there reaction will be when you say something, maybe you will be able to think of a different way to word it, its all in the wording. just think before you speak

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