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Will I ever stop thinking about her

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my ex broke up with me about 2 months ago now...We have not spoken in over a month. The last time we talked, we had plans to go out and she blew me off at 8:30 on a sat. night...she said she would call in a few days and although I told her I did not think that was a good idea, I thought she would call anyway...she did not, I have not picked up the phone either..she wanted to stay friends but puts in no effort to do so...two weeks ago, her daughter turned two...I mailed a card for her and really thought that would warrant a phone call, but nothing...I have been going out with new people and even have my eye on someone right now, but I cannot stop thinking about my ex...on and off for 7 years is tough to just walk away from...I am not hoping for someone to tell me that she will call, but that with time, this will get easier..she is my first true love and what I thought to be my soulmate...i guess i expect a bit too much from people

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...It's easy to have great expectations for a person you love and the expectations grow with time...and it's hard to break those thoughts that you have collected over the 7 years you were with this person.

So it will take you a long time to stop thinking of this person...and I think if you aren't talking to one another it will be easier for both of you....

I think you know it will take a long time....and maybe with a new person in your life that things will get better... faster....

I wish you the best of luck .....

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